
dc.contributor鄭志富 教授zh_TW
dc.contributorCheng, Chih-Fuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Ho-Pingen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 本研究主要是要瞭解「第四季超級籃球聯賽(SBL)現場觀眾對贊助企業之認知效益」,具體之研究目的為瞭解現場觀眾對於SBL的贊助企業之辨識能力、形象上的認知情形、產品之購買意願情況。本研究受測對象共計700名現場觀眾,並以研究者改編之「贊助企業認知效益評估問卷」為本研究之工具。分別以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、費雪法及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法處理。結論如下: 一、 現場觀眾以大學/專科教育程度、21-30歲的女性為主,個人月收入在10,000元以下的學生佔大多數,並且最支持「台啤」籃球隊。 二、 球場地貼、加強與觀眾互動及長期持續贊助是現場觀眾對於贊助企業高辨識程度之主要因素。 三、 贊助企業讓現場觀眾產生好感,產生有著共同支持的運動,肯定其企業正面形象,進而會增進觀眾去注意該贊助企業的相關產品。 四、15歲以下、國中教育程度、月收入為30,000~49,999元之族群及有最支持球隊在台北球場的現場觀眾,對於贊助企業認知效益較好。 五、 現場觀眾對於贊助企業的形象認知越好則相對購買意願也就越高。 基於以上發現,建議贊助單位鎖定在16至30歲之間,男、女消費族群均可接受之產品,加上有效的贊助策略,進行溝通互動。SBL主辦單位方面,塑造對賽事本身的吸引力,進而吸引中、高月收入的觀眾進場,並且改善贊助企業的管理辦法,是重要的課題。 關鍵詞:超級籃球聯賽、認知效益、運動贊助、企業形象zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The purpose of this study was to examine the spectators’ acknowledgment benefits of the sponsors in the Fourth Season Super Basketball League (SBL). In this study the main stress fell on the ability of the spectators’ identification for the corporations to sponsor the SBL, the impression of enterprise overall image, and the willingness to purchase products. The subjects of this survey were 700 participants and spectators in the Fourth Season Super Basketball League. Besides, the self-redesigned questionnaires were distributed right after the game for real-time survey and collected valid samples. The data was analyzed with the following methods: Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s Method, and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. The conclusion after result analysis was as follows: 1. Among the spectators, most of them were female, 21-30 years old, college or university background, students, with pocket money less than NT$10,000 dollars, and tending to support Taiwan Beer basketball team. 2. The main factors for the spectators having high identification to the corporation of sponsorship were to promote the company’s logo pasting on basketball court ground, strengthen interacts with the audience and keep on sponsoring the SBL. 3. The major influences on spectators to increase paying attention to the products of the sponsoring enterprises were having favorable impression on the sponsors, unanimous supporting sports, and positive impression of enterprise image. 4. The spectators, including those under 15 years old, in particular at junior high, 30,000-49,999 dollar/month, and having most supporting teams of scene audience at Taipei basketball court, revealed significant high levels of recognition on the sponsors. 5. The more the spectators showed significant high levels of recognition to the enterprise image, the more tended to purchase and use the products of the sponsoring enterprises. Based on the findings, this study suggested that the sponsors be focused on the spectators of 16-30 years old, the products for male and female consumers, putting up effective sponsoring strategies, and carrying on the communication interaction. On the other hand, it was important for the SBL to provide attractive sports event, increase the high income audience attending the game, and improve the corporation of sponsorship policing method. Keywords: Super Basketball League (SBL), acknowledgment benefits, sports sponsorship, sponsorship of corporations, enterprise image.en_US

