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交換偏移作用在半導體上的想法已經被初步的完成。為了完成這個想法,鐵磁性的元素-鈷,被覆蓋於半導體中最具代表性的元素-矽晶面上。研究交換偏移作用在半導體上的第一步驟是製作反鐵磁性的超薄氧化鈷膜。在此文獻中,有三種方法被用在製作反鐵磁性的超薄氧化鈷膜。它們分別是「在常溫下以氧壓下鍍鈷的方式製作超薄反鐵磁氧化鈷膜於11 ML 鈷/矽(111)上」、「在常溫下曝氧於鈷/矽(111)上」和「在常溫下以氧壓下鍍鈷的方式製作超薄反鐵磁氧化鈷膜於已曝氧4000 L達飽和的11 ML 鈷/矽(111)上」。
在第二個方法中,我們得到一個指數上升的方程式,藉由這個方程式我們可以預測鈷矽化合物(CoSi2)的混合層數。在5在15的鈷原子層中,從AES強度氧鈷比飽和的強度變化換轉成氧的吸附層數,我們可以用一個指數上升的方程式曲線來近似這些數據。這個方程式可寫成IO = (IO)0 {exp[(tCo-t0)/D]-1},其中(IO)0 = 0.41是氧的吸附比;t0 = 2.16 ML是鈷矽化合物(CoSi2)的混合層數;D = 6.98 ML是氧的平均擴散深度。
The primitive step has already carried out for the idea about exchange bias (EB) effect on semiconductor. Ferromagnetic (FM) element cobalt was used to be the overlayers on the technologically most representative semiconductor silicon surface for the purpose. The first step to study the EB effect on semiconductors is to fabricate the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ultra-thin CoO films. In this thesis, three methods were used to fabricate the AFM ultra-thin CoO films. There are “evaporation of Co in oxygen atmosphere at room temperature (RT) on 11 monolayer (ML) Co/Si(111)” method, “exposure oxygen for oxidation at RT on Co/Si(111)” method, and “evaporation of Co in oxygen atmosphere at RT on 4000 Langmuirs (L) O2/11 ML Co/Si(111)” method. In the first method, for both polar Mogneto-optic Kerr effect (P-MOKE) and longitudinal magneto-optic Kerr effect (L-MOKE) on y ML CoO/11 ML Co/Si(111), the blocking temperature (TB) and exchange bias field (HE) are not related to the finite size effect. The results indicate that the FM ultra-thin Co layer or AFM ultra-thin CoO layer might have certain kinds of nanostructures. In the second method, we have an exponential growth equation to predict the thickness of compound layer – CoSi2. Between 5 and 15 monolayer of Co, the evolution of the experimental AES data are consistence with the exponential growth equation, IO = (IO)0 {exp[(tCo-t0)/D]-1}, where (IO)0 = 0.41 is related to the adsorption ratio of oxygen; t0 = 2.16 ML corresponds to the thickness of compound layers; D = 6.98 ML corresponds to the average diffusion length of oxygen into the surface. In the final method, the adsorbed oxygen between the interface of FM ultra-thin Co films and AFM ultra-thin CoO films formed an oxygen blocking layer to decrease the exchange coupling between the FM ultra-thin Co films and AFM ultra-thin CoO films. On the other hand, it also decrease the efficiency for forming AFM ultra-thin CoO. Three important opinions were suggested by the author. There are “zero field-cooling process”, “exchange bias phase diagram” and “study the surface morphology on AFM ultra-thin CoO films by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)” for advancing the primitive step to become a concrete step for the idea about exchange bias coupling on semiconductor.
The primitive step has already carried out for the idea about exchange bias (EB) effect on semiconductor. Ferromagnetic (FM) element cobalt was used to be the overlayers on the technologically most representative semiconductor silicon surface for the purpose. The first step to study the EB effect on semiconductors is to fabricate the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ultra-thin CoO films. In this thesis, three methods were used to fabricate the AFM ultra-thin CoO films. There are “evaporation of Co in oxygen atmosphere at room temperature (RT) on 11 monolayer (ML) Co/Si(111)” method, “exposure oxygen for oxidation at RT on Co/Si(111)” method, and “evaporation of Co in oxygen atmosphere at RT on 4000 Langmuirs (L) O2/11 ML Co/Si(111)” method. In the first method, for both polar Mogneto-optic Kerr effect (P-MOKE) and longitudinal magneto-optic Kerr effect (L-MOKE) on y ML CoO/11 ML Co/Si(111), the blocking temperature (TB) and exchange bias field (HE) are not related to the finite size effect. The results indicate that the FM ultra-thin Co layer or AFM ultra-thin CoO layer might have certain kinds of nanostructures. In the second method, we have an exponential growth equation to predict the thickness of compound layer – CoSi2. Between 5 and 15 monolayer of Co, the evolution of the experimental AES data are consistence with the exponential growth equation, IO = (IO)0 {exp[(tCo-t0)/D]-1}, where (IO)0 = 0.41 is related to the adsorption ratio of oxygen; t0 = 2.16 ML corresponds to the thickness of compound layers; D = 6.98 ML corresponds to the average diffusion length of oxygen into the surface. In the final method, the adsorbed oxygen between the interface of FM ultra-thin Co films and AFM ultra-thin CoO films formed an oxygen blocking layer to decrease the exchange coupling between the FM ultra-thin Co films and AFM ultra-thin CoO films. On the other hand, it also decrease the efficiency for forming AFM ultra-thin CoO. Three important opinions were suggested by the author. There are “zero field-cooling process”, “exchange bias phase diagram” and “study the surface morphology on AFM ultra-thin CoO films by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)” for advancing the primitive step to become a concrete step for the idea about exchange bias coupling on semiconductor.
交換偏移, 超薄膜, 鈷, 矽, 反鐵磁性的, 鐵磁性的, 表面磁光柯爾效應, exchange bias, ultr-thin films, Co, Si, antiferromagnetic, ferromgangetic, SMOKE