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網路書店的興起,轉移實體書店的客群。網拍二手書以及網路書店販賣二手書的便利,也減低跑舊書店尋寶的時間成本。不論是消費者環保知覺價值如環保、綠色消費等考量,或二手書價格便宜、書籍絕版等因素,二手書市場一向是消費者購書的重要選擇。「TAAZE讀冊生活」網路書店(以下皆以「TAAZE讀冊生活」稱之)結合紙本的新書、二手書,以及電子書,讓消費者可以虛實合一,找書、買書、賣二手書一次解決,不僅是新書與二手書的橋樑,也是提升買書的消費者成為二手書經營者的交易平台,因此,「TAAZE讀冊生活」在二手書市場中,佔有相當重要的地位。 「TAAZE讀冊生活」銷售的圖書部份,兼具新書、二手書、電子書,本研究僅針對二手書行銷企劃部分做研究,研究方法採質性研究之「參與觀察法」、「深度訪談法」,以「「TAAZE讀冊生活」」作為個案研究對象。研究內容從「TAAZE讀冊生活」經營二手書的價值、競合者、服務機制、影響發展的問題、綠色消費的關聯、讀者對二手書的需求、二手書行銷企劃、二手書消費價值,以及理想中的網路二手書店等,以半結構式「訪談大綱」進行個人訪談。 從研究中發現,「TAAZE讀冊生活」創辦人秉持綠色環保與資源再利用的理念,藉由二手書經營,試圖解決出版供應鏈問題:如書籍壽命、絕版問題、愛書人藏書空間等,並創造出二手書企業的持續經營價值。事實上,「TAAZE讀冊生活」以同一個平台納入新書、二手書、電子書,以多元服務機制,設計複合式經營,不僅購物選擇多樣化,也讓消費者可以身兼買家與賣家的身份。行銷規劃方面,採取虛實整合,企業加公益異業結合,把自己當顧客,揣摩顧客想要的服務。至於讀者想購買的是新書或二手書,則取決於價格或版本的考量。此外,對於理想中的網路二手書店,消費者不僅希望能結合購物與社群互動,與圖書館、實體二手書店合作,甚至希望網路書店增加人們生活需求的商品品項的服務。
The rise of online bookstores has driven a shift in customer purchasing habits from physical bookstores to online stores. Compared to slow treasure hunting in physical bookstores, online second-hand bookstores offer significant time-savings, but the second-hand book market continues to be an important option for consumers, particularly those concerned with environmental impact, those who are price sensitive, or interested in out-of-print books. TAAZE Online Bookstore (hereafter referred to as “TAAZE”) offers new, second-hand, and e-books, so that users can quickly find, buy, and sell second-hand books through this online platform. “TAAZE” not only bridges the market for new and second-hand books, but also offers an efficient platform for consumers to resell their own second-hand books. Therefore, “TAAZE” functions as an important platform for the second-hand book market. This research focusses mainly on the marketing plan on “TAAZE” for second-hand books, applying the methods of “participation observation” and “in-depth interviews”. The research content deals with the follow relevant issues: the core value of “TAAZE” in marketing second-hand books, competitors, service mechanisms, development-impacting issues, green consumption, readers’ demand for second-hand books, second-hand book marketing, second-hand book consumption value, and the ideal online second-hand bookstores for the customers. The research reveals that the founder’s core values — green consumption and resource reuse — are embodied in the management of “TAAZE”, which attempts to solve problems in the publication supplying chain: book life, out-of-print issues, book-lovers’ storage space limitations, etc. Moreover, “TAAZE” creates the going concern value of second-book business. “TAAZE” unites in one platform the circulation of new, second-hand, and e-books, and applies a multi-service mechanism to the design of a compound operation. Not only are shopping options diversified, but users can act as both buyers and sellers. In terms of marketing planning, “TAAZE” integrates the virtual and the real, enterprise and public welfare, and begins by adopting the customers’ perspective. As for factors influencing customers’ final decision to choose new or second-hand books, this largely depends on the book’s price or version. Finally, concerning customers’ ideals with respect to an online bookstore, most are interested in more than just a combination of shopping and social media interactions; there is cooperation between libraries and physical bookstores, and commodities that enhance people’s lives are also included in the customers’ expectations of an online bookstore.



網路書店, 二手書行銷, 品牌形象, online bookstore, second-hand book marketing, brand image





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