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目的:探討立即性的震動訓練與髖內收加震動訓練對女性運動員下階梯與落地跳股內斜肌與股外側肌活化表現之影響。方法:24位女性運動員為實驗參與者隨機分派為三組,分別為控制組(20.13±2.17歲)、震動訓練組 (20.75±1.28歲)及髖內收加震動訓練組 (21.5±2.39歲)。以三維動作分析系統、測力板、Noraxon無線肌電儀與Biodex蒐集下階梯及落地垂直跳的動作、地面反作用力、肌電訊號及等長肌力,並以軟體Visual3D進行資料處理。統計方法以SPSS20.0單因子變異數分析,比較震動訓練、髖內收震動訓練及控制組三組的矢狀面與額狀面關節活動範圍、下肢關節力矩、股內斜肌與股外側肌活化值、活化時序之前後測改變量(後測-前測),如有顯著(α=.05)再進行事後比較。結果:下階梯動作中的關節活動範圍改變量、關節力矩改變量、股內斜肌與股外側肌肌肉活化及活化時序改變量三組間皆未達顯著差異;落地跳動作中的關節活動範圍改變量、地面反作用力改變量及股內斜肌與股外側肌肌肉活化改變量於三組間未達顯著差異,而震動訓練組與髖內收震動訓練組落地垂直跳動作中活化時序的改變量(-14.34±16.35; -14.53±9.25)高於控制組(4.93±9.44)、膝關節伸肌肌力未達顯著差異。結論:震動訓練及髖內收震動訓練的介入之下,有助於提升股內斜肌與股外側肌活化時序的改變量。
Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of two kinds of vibration interventions (semi-squat and hip adduction) on Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO) and Vastus Lateralis (VL) muscles activity during stair descent and drop jump in female athletes. Method: Twenty-four healthy female athletes were randomly assigned to three group, including the control group (age: 20.13±2.17 years), the vibration group (age: 20.75±1.28 years) and hip adduction vibration group (age: 21.5±2.39 years). The 3D motion analysis system, force plate, EMG sensors and biodex were used to collect movement, ground reaction force, muscle activity and isometric strength during stair descent and drop jump, and Visual 3D software was used to analysis data. The variance of pretest-posttest among control group, vibration group and hip adduction were compared by One-way ANOVA. The significant level was set at α=.05. Results: The variance of pretest-posttest of joint angle range, joint moment, VMO:VL muscle ratio and onset-time were not significantly in the three groups during stair descent. The variance of pretest-posttest of joint angle range, ground reaction force, VMO:VL muscle ratio were not significantly in the three groups during drop jump. The variance of pretest-posttest of VMO and VL EMG onset time of vibration group (-14.34±16.35) and hip adduction vibration group (-14.34±16.35; -14.53±9.25) was larger than control group (4.93±9.44) during drop jump. The Knee extensor muscle strength was not significant. Conclusions: The results indicate that the female athletes with vibration training interventions improved the variance of pretest-posttest of VMO and VL activity onset time.
Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of two kinds of vibration interventions (semi-squat and hip adduction) on Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO) and Vastus Lateralis (VL) muscles activity during stair descent and drop jump in female athletes. Method: Twenty-four healthy female athletes were randomly assigned to three group, including the control group (age: 20.13±2.17 years), the vibration group (age: 20.75±1.28 years) and hip adduction vibration group (age: 21.5±2.39 years). The 3D motion analysis system, force plate, EMG sensors and biodex were used to collect movement, ground reaction force, muscle activity and isometric strength during stair descent and drop jump, and Visual 3D software was used to analysis data. The variance of pretest-posttest among control group, vibration group and hip adduction were compared by One-way ANOVA. The significant level was set at α=.05. Results: The variance of pretest-posttest of joint angle range, joint moment, VMO:VL muscle ratio and onset-time were not significantly in the three groups during stair descent. The variance of pretest-posttest of joint angle range, ground reaction force, VMO:VL muscle ratio were not significantly in the three groups during drop jump. The variance of pretest-posttest of VMO and VL EMG onset time of vibration group (-14.34±16.35) and hip adduction vibration group (-14.34±16.35; -14.53±9.25) was larger than control group (4.93±9.44) during drop jump. The Knee extensor muscle strength was not significant. Conclusions: The results indicate that the female athletes with vibration training interventions improved the variance of pretest-posttest of VMO and VL activity onset time.
活化時序, 活化比值, 關節力矩, EMG onset time, VMO/VL ratio, joint moment