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基模理論所衍生出的練習變異假說,預測個體學習單一動作時,透過多樣化的練習安排有助於動作學習,但對動作表現卻有抑制。本研究旨在檢驗變異練習在相對時宜按鍵工作表現與學習的發展效應。實驗參加者晚期兒童與成人各二十四名,隨機分派到變異與恆常練習組。實驗工作為三段式N字型手指按鍵的相對時宜工作。實驗參加者在接受不同實驗處理後,進行立即與延遲的遷移測驗。本研究的自變項是不同練習方法與年齡差異,依變項為代表動作穩定性的絕對誤差值與動作穩定性的變異誤差值。經二因子變異數2 (練習) × 2 (年齡)分析發現:(一)晚期兒童與成人在變異與恆常練習動作表現與學習的準確性和穩定性上沒有年齡差異的發展效應;(二)恆常練習在動作表現的準確性與穩定性較變異練習有正面的影響;變異練習在動作學習的準確性優於恆常練習,但在穩定性上則無差異存在。(三)晚期兒童與成人在動作表現的準確性上有年齡差異的發展效應,但在動作表現的穩定性與動作學習的準確性與穩定性上並不會因年齡差異而有所影響。最後將以基模學習的觀點,討論本研究的發現。
Variability of practice hypothesis of Schema theory predicts that variable practice facilitates motor learning but less effective in performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the developmental effects of variable practice on relative timing task performance and learning. Twenty four children in late childhood and 24 adults served as participants in this study and were randomly assigned to either variable or constant practice groups. Participants practiced three movement patterns of “N” shape that had the same relative timing. Independent variables were age differences and practices and dependent variables were absolute error and variable error of immediate and delay of transfers. Two-way ANOVA, 2 (practice) × 2 (age) indicated that (1) No developmental effect was found in age differences and practices on both performance and learning in terms of absolute error (AE) and variable error (VE), (2) Constant practice was found more effective than that of variable practice on AE and VE of motor performance. Variable practice was found more effective than that of constant practice on AE of motor learning. No effect was found on VE, and (3) The AE of adult’s motor performance was better than that of children in late childhood, but no difference on VE of motor performance and AE and VE of motor learning. Further discussion on the findings of this study was based on the view point of schema learning.



基模理論, 練習變異假說, 動作學習, 相對時宜, 變異練習, schema theory, variability of practice hypothesis, motor learning, relative timing, variable practice





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