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七彩魚體色豐富帶有條紋或點狀的構成,身上的漸層條紋更是引人注目,柔軟曲折卻又剛毅有力,勾起筆者描繪興趣。七彩魚是美與堅強的象徵,筆者以七彩魚自許希望以獨特的身姿生存於都市。在都市的生存空間裡,我們時常由自身角度看社會,在瞬息萬變的大環境下混淆、失衡,個體在群體社會中忽隱忽現地存有,並在聲光色彩中載浮載沉。因此筆者化身為美麗的七彩魚生存於繁複的都市空間,討論社會性空間在作品中的意義,探討忙碌生活中的角色切換與都市空間密切的關係,以及透過繪畫抒發生活壓力,試圖從社會學與存在現象學做為分析依據,試探都市空間對創作者的影響。 筆者透過水墨創作宣洩「不連續性」之矛盾與艱難,不管是魚身上的彩色條紋,還是空間性的阻隔,皆體會角色切換之不連續性、被打斷的感受。從抽象感性空間轉進寫實理性的水族箱空間,一個藉由玻璃及水而達不連續性之介面,發現光 線的遊戲,連動影響個體與環境的互動,形成空間並置,這等物理現象既符合現實描繪,也符合不連續性之美,未曾想透過不同的介面,也能聚集各種影像在空間中,與個體互相輝映。本創作研究分五章進行,第一章緒論說明筆者以適應都市空間作為創作的研究動機、目的、範圍及方法,第二章為從人文主義地理學與存在主義哲學做為學理依據,試探都市空間對創作者的影響,第三章舉例對筆者具有影響及啟發性的藝術家對都市空間的詮釋,第四章為作品說明與解析,將作品分為《網‧魚》、《光影交織─水族箱》兩個系列,也將在此章探討創作理念與形式技法,第五章為總結此研究心得,及筆者對未來創作之期許與展望。
Colorful angelfish has a colorful body, and it is made up of special stripes or dots. Its gradual stripes especially catch people’s eye. Colorful angelfish’s appearance, such as soft, winding, strong and powerful, attracts the author to depict. Colorful angelfish is a symbol of beauty and staunch. The author wishes to be like colorful angelfish, and to survive distinctively in the city. In the living space of metropolis, we people treat society in our own way. In an environment of rapid changing, people are confused and losing balance. Each person lives flickeringly in social groups, and he is floating and sinking in the sea of miscellaneous sound and colorful light. The author is like colorful angelfish, living in complicated urban space. So she wants to research the social space which appears in artworks, and what the relation is between urban space and people changing their different characters in busy daily life. Painting is also a way to release pressure of life. The author tries to analyze basing on the sociology and phenomenology to discourse the impact from social space on artists. The author Vents emotions of “Discontinuity” by ink painting. Whether the colorful stripes of colorful angelfish or the barrier of space, in which the discontinuity of changing characters and the feelings of being interrupted can be found. From the space of sensibility turn to the rational space of aquarium. A discontinuous interface made from glass and water, exposes the interesting game of light. Sometimes the author can find a juxtaposed space in the interaction between individual and environment. These physical phenomenon conform to the reality, and also to the beauty of discontinuity. The author had never wondered that it can gather so many images in the space through different interfaces. While those images cast beautiful reflections to each other. The artwork research has five chapters. In chapter one, it explains the research motivation, research purposes, research range and research method of adapting urban space. In chapter two, it explains about theoretical basis and literature discussion of the artwork. In chapter three, it gives the examples of artists, who are influential and inspiring to the author, and their interpretation to urban space. In chapter four, it is about the description and analyzation of the author’s artwork. The author classified her artwork into two series, “Net, Fish”and “Light and Shadow Interweaving - Aquarium”. This chapter will also discuss about the idea of creation, media and techniques. In chapter five, it gives the conclusion of the research, and it depicts the expectations of future creation of the author.



存有, 都市空間, 不連續性, 留白, 七彩魚, Being, Urban Space, Discontinuity, Blank-leaving, Colorful angelfish





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