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本研究為質性研究,以PISA 2015合作問題解決評量架構作為基礎開發一對話分析表,針對臺北市某高中16名學生使用防洪保衛戰的歷程進行內容分析,以探討學生在防洪保衛戰應用歷程中如何產生合作問題解決表現,並進一步探究防洪保衛戰遊戲設計如何促進合作問題解決表現。研究結果表明,防洪保衛戰是一個能激起學生主動探索問題情境,讓學生充分論述解決洪水問題適當行動之遊戲,可使用於防災教育中了解災害衝擊、災害管理模擬之學習,而仿真的洪水模擬與遊戲的討論機制,也對合作問題解決表現帶來正向影響。本研究也確立了學生在應用防洪保衛戰時可能會經歷的歷程模型,以及遊戲設計如何影響合作問題解決表現之遊戲設計關係圖,並針對相關研究及教育使用進行建議,供後續的研究者及使用者做為參考。
Collaborative skills have an important impact on disaster management. Among them, Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) is one of the most important skills in 21th century. However, CPS skills in disaster prevention education in Taiwan have not been explicitly mentioned yet, and the research field of disaster prevention education is also less researched on cultivating CPS skills. It is an urgent need to enrich this field. In 2017, On-line to On-site Water Education Project, which was led by the Civil Engineering Department of National Taiwan University, developed a multiple flood response digital game ”Flood Protection”. This team co-existence game seems to be a medium for cultivating CPS skills in the context of disaster prevention. It is worthy of further exploration. This study is a qualitative research, aims to understand how students perform CPS behavior, and how game design promote students’ CPS performance in application course of Flood Protection by using the dialogue analysis table, which is based on the Matrix of Collaborative Problem-Solving Skill from PISA. The paticipents are 16 students from a high school in Taipei. The result shows that Flood Protect is a game that can motivate student to exploring problem situation initially and discuss how to take appropriate actions to solve the flood situation. Flood Protection can be used in disaster prevention education to understand the impact of disaster, and it also can simulate disaster management. The simulation of flood and the mechanism of game discussion also have a positive impact on the performance of CPS. In addition, this research establishes a module about the experience of students when applying Flood Protection and elaborates the relation graphs about the effects of Flood Protection game design on students’ CPS performance. At last, this research gives some suggestions to relative researcher and educator for reference.
Collaborative skills have an important impact on disaster management. Among them, Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) is one of the most important skills in 21th century. However, CPS skills in disaster prevention education in Taiwan have not been explicitly mentioned yet, and the research field of disaster prevention education is also less researched on cultivating CPS skills. It is an urgent need to enrich this field. In 2017, On-line to On-site Water Education Project, which was led by the Civil Engineering Department of National Taiwan University, developed a multiple flood response digital game ”Flood Protection”. This team co-existence game seems to be a medium for cultivating CPS skills in the context of disaster prevention. It is worthy of further exploration. This study is a qualitative research, aims to understand how students perform CPS behavior, and how game design promote students’ CPS performance in application course of Flood Protection by using the dialogue analysis table, which is based on the Matrix of Collaborative Problem-Solving Skill from PISA. The paticipents are 16 students from a high school in Taipei. The result shows that Flood Protect is a game that can motivate student to exploring problem situation initially and discuss how to take appropriate actions to solve the flood situation. Flood Protection can be used in disaster prevention education to understand the impact of disaster, and it also can simulate disaster management. The simulation of flood and the mechanism of game discussion also have a positive impact on the performance of CPS. In addition, this research establishes a module about the experience of students when applying Flood Protection and elaborates the relation graphs about the effects of Flood Protection game design on students’ CPS performance. At last, this research gives some suggestions to relative researcher and educator for reference.
合作問題解決, 數位遊戲式學習, 防災教育, Collaborative Problem-Solving, Digital Game Based Learning, Disaster Prevent Education