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知名企業透過運動贊助提升品牌知名度及形象,已是現今常見的行銷策略。據國際事件行銷集團 (International Event Group,IEG) 的調查中指出,2017 年全球的贊助金額支出為 627 億美元,贊助已成為一種非常成熟的行銷傳播策略。而贊助行銷策略的成功,需建立在使用良好的贊助活化策略下,活化贊助意旨企業需要規劃整合性的活動,明確指出各促銷活動的目標及使用情況,以積極有效的方式提升贊助效益,並成功地將品牌與競爭對手區分開。故本研究欲透過臺灣近年盛行的鐵人三項運動賽會,探究企業贊助運動賽會時之考量因素與贊助活化策略。 研究採內容分析法與半結構式深度訪談法,研究結果發現: 企業贊助運動賽會考量因素可分兩大類,分別為(一)內在因素、(二)外在因素。內在因素主要為贊助商自身內部的考量、動機的考量以及贊助後的效益考量;外在因素則是針對贊助的運動組織、運動賽會類型進行考量。另一方面,賽會中各企業的贊助活化方式不盡相同,即使為同一種活化策略使用的方式也不全然一樣,在鐵人三項運動賽會經常使用的策略有:「傳播廣告」、「公共關係」、「網路活動」、「視覺系統使用」、「直效信件」、「贈品活動」、「抽獎活動」、「交叉促銷」、「零售促銷」、「授權商品」、「招待禮遇」,共11種贊助活化策略。本研究之建議:(一)於實務面:對於企業而言,應先了解企業本身與贊助對象之特質與目標再做贊助決策,同時善用贊助活化策略以提升贊助效益,並與運動組織保持長期合作關係,以見贊助成效;(二)於學術面:建議未來研究可針對不同運動賽會、不同企業型態進行更細部的研究,並依據贊助等級選擇受訪者,整理各贊助級別之企業考量對象,以獲得更貼近運動賽會贊助的結論。
It is a common marketing strategy for companies to raise brand awareness and image through sports sponsorship. According to a survey of International Event Group (IEG), the global sponsorship, whose expenditure was US $ 62.7 billion in 2017, has become a very mature marketing communication strategy to distinguish brand position from competitors. However, successes of this strategy need to be established on the foundation of favorable activation ways, meaning corporates should have integrated activities plans, definite objectives, and improving sponsorship effectiveness in proactive and effective methods. Therefore, this study intends to explore factors and activation strategies of corporate sponsoring sports event through the triathlon games in Taiwan. Content analysis and semi-structured interview methods were adopted in this research, the results of which demonstrate that factors, considered by corporate sponsoring sports event, can be divided into two categories: internal factors and external factors. Internal considerations are mainly composed of the motivations of sponsors and benefits after sponsorship; External considerations consist of organizations of sponsored sports and types of sports events. Interestingly, we discovered that even if the activation methods are similar, uses of which are not exactly the same. There are eleven strategies often used in triathlon sports event: "Advertising", "Public Relationship", "Internet Activities", "Visual System", " Direct Mail ", "Freebie", "Raffle Activities", " Cross-selling", "Retail Promotion", "License Product", and "Hospitality". Last but not least, this research proposes both academic and practical recommendations for future studies. For companies, they are able to make adequate sponsorship decisions by completely realizing the characteristics and goals of sponsored events, as well as enhance sponsorship effectiveness by making good use of activation strategies and maintaining a long-term cooperative relationship with sports organizations. On the other hand, for researchers, it is recommended to conduct further research on topics of different sports games and types of enterprises. Simultaneously, choosing the interviewees by the sponsorship level and sorting out the corporate considerations of each sponsorship level can also assist researchers in obtaining more realistic conclusions of the sports event sponsorship.



企業贊助, 考量因素, 贊助活化策略, 鐵人三項, Corporate Sponsorship, Consideration Factors, Sponsorship Activation Strategy, Triathlon Games





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