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本研究旨在從4P行銷策略及體驗行銷觀點分析臺灣桌遊業者之發展現況及推廣策略。本研究以文本分析法及參與觀察法來了解桌遊在臺灣發展歷程,並透過半結構式深度訪談法,分別訪談台北、中及高雄共九間桌遊店經營者或店長、中華民國圖板遊戲推廣協會、桌遊代理商及玩家等16人來分析桌遊在臺推廣策略。研究結果呈現在四個面向上:一、產品方面:桌遊店以場地遊玩、租借及販售桌遊為主,部分桌遊店輔以提供餐飲服務及教學服務,而連鎖桌遊店亦代理遊戲來以提升營運績效。二、價格方面: (1)桌遊售價:桌遊自國外引進,經由代理商翻譯及改版為中文版,加上其配件精美,因此在售價上在500元~3,000元不等,且面臨盜版猖獗之問題;(2)桌遊店入場費:依所在區域而有不同收費標準。三、通路方面:主要以實體店面、官方網站、臉書粉絲專頁及各大網路商城為行銷管道。四、促銷方面:以節慶、舉辦活動日等方式增加桌遊店之來客率,並透過臉書平台不定期推出促銷活動增加桌遊購買率。
This research aims to analyze Taiwan’s boardgame industry in terms of its current development and promotion strategies. This research makes use of the 4Ps of marketing and experiential marketing to achieve this goal.The research states the development of board game history in Taiwan by textual analysis, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with Taiwanese Board Game Association, and sixteen board game players, distributors, and board game business men in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung. The developmental stages of the boardgame industry in Taiwan were studied via textual analysis and participant observation. 9 retail operators from Taipei, Taichung, and Kaoshiung, the Board Game Association, various board game suppliers and 16 players were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interview methods.The results of the research shows the four following aspects: 1. Product-wise; retail board game stores usually take the forms of providing playing-space, rental, and retailing, while some others supplement their core service by providing beverages and teaching. On the other hand, franchisees of board game chains improve their operation by acting as agents. 2. Price-wise; the retail-pricing of games range between 500 and 3000 NTD due to factors such as the import nature of board games, localisation into Chinese versions by agents, having delicately designed accessories, or the more serious issue of unauthorised fake copies, whereas, entry-pricing to board game stores ranges due to their location. 3. Channel-wise: marketing took the forms of physical retail-stores, official websites, facebook fan pages, and large shopping websites. 4. Promotion-wise: retail stores made use of calendar events as well the hosting of product events to increase visitor-rate, and made use of random promotional events toimprove buy-rate. Keyword:board game, marketing strategy, experiential marketing, product life-cycle theory
This research aims to analyze Taiwan’s boardgame industry in terms of its current development and promotion strategies. This research makes use of the 4Ps of marketing and experiential marketing to achieve this goal.The research states the development of board game history in Taiwan by textual analysis, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with Taiwanese Board Game Association, and sixteen board game players, distributors, and board game business men in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung. The developmental stages of the boardgame industry in Taiwan were studied via textual analysis and participant observation. 9 retail operators from Taipei, Taichung, and Kaoshiung, the Board Game Association, various board game suppliers and 16 players were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interview methods.The results of the research shows the four following aspects: 1. Product-wise; retail board game stores usually take the forms of providing playing-space, rental, and retailing, while some others supplement their core service by providing beverages and teaching. On the other hand, franchisees of board game chains improve their operation by acting as agents. 2. Price-wise; the retail-pricing of games range between 500 and 3000 NTD due to factors such as the import nature of board games, localisation into Chinese versions by agents, having delicately designed accessories, or the more serious issue of unauthorised fake copies, whereas, entry-pricing to board game stores ranges due to their location. 3. Channel-wise: marketing took the forms of physical retail-stores, official websites, facebook fan pages, and large shopping websites. 4. Promotion-wise: retail stores made use of calendar events as well the hosting of product events to increase visitor-rate, and made use of random promotional events toimprove buy-rate. Keyword:board game, marketing strategy, experiential marketing, product life-cycle theory
圖版遊戲, 行銷策略, 體驗行銷, 生命週期理論, board game, marketing strategy, experiential marketing, product life-cycle theory