
dc.contributorTai-Hwa Emily Luen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Yen- Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在根據高職特殊教育新課程大綱,設計適合智能障礙學生之高職特教班及特教學校高職部之課程架構及教學綱要,並進一步探討實際試行於二所學校智能障礙學生的情形。本研究採行動研究,藉由訪談、文件分析、研究日誌及滿意度資料探討一所高職及一所特教學校進行智能障礙學生課程規劃與實施過程,同時希冀能促進參與教師的專業成長。研究之結果如下。 壹、高職特教班課程的規劃與實施方面 一、高職分析學生就業可能性與學校資源後,特教班歸屬於服務類環境服務群,下設汽車美容、門市服務及餐飲服務組,以就業為主及生活為輔發展學校本位的學分架構及教學綱要,納入總體課程計畫,且經教育局審議通過。 二、特教班的一般科目包含七大共同核心課程、特殊需求領域及全民國防教育;專業及實習科目涵蓋專題製作、共同必修、職業分組及興趣選修。 三、學校系統性運用新生座談、學生個別化教育計畫會議、特殊教育推行委員會、課程發展委員會及相關會議,確認並提供特教學生所需的課程及服務,且學校提早展開各項課程準備及銜接事宜。 四、特教教師藉由專業社群的組成、與普教教師交流及自發性的參與校內外研習增進背景知識。 五、高職特教班家長及學生均肯定特殊教育新課程大綱的設計與實施。 貳、特教學校高職部課程的規劃與實施方面 一、特教學校從學生未來的需求、轉銜的可能性與學校可用資源中,確定高職部歸屬於服務類環境服務群,下設清潔服務、餐飲服務及生活適應組,以生活為主,職業為輔的導向完成學校總體課程計畫,經專家蒞校指導及教育局審議通過。 二、特教學校高職部一般科目包含七大共同核心課程、特殊需求領域、共同必修及興趣選修課程;專業及實習科目包含共同修習及職業分組課程。 三、特教學校課程的實施從澄清課程發展委員會與特殊教育推行委員會功能後,展開新生能力評估、導師家庭訪問及學生個別化教育計畫會議。而因應部份期程的延滯,教務處以排課時分組數大於班級總數、彈性調動教師助理員及隨時配合調整課表等作法因應,並逐步完成全校個別化教育計畫審查、特殊教育推行委員會及課程發展委員會,審議學生需求及提供適切的課程與服務。 四、特教教師藉由課程發展委員會教師分組、全校性研習、校內會議及專業社群等對話機會達致共同成長。 五、大多數參與本研究的特教學校高職部家長均支持與肯定特殊教育新課程大綱的設計與實施。 參、教師省思與成長方面 一、高職特教班教師一開始從疑惑新課綱實施的必要性到瞭解對學生學習的助益;從勉強配合新課程到主動備課與討論;從專業不足的感嘆到自我進修的充實感;以及從短期自救的作為到積極自我賦權的倡議。 二、特教學校高職部教師的成長為從聽令行事到運用新課綱契機進行學校課程管理;從不解抱怨到看見學生的轉變而配合實施新課程;及從被動參與到主動因應新課程提供伙伴使用的建議 三、研究者本身的成長歷程從習焉不察到能設計符合學生需求與生理年齡的課程;從生硬的定義到看見課程是一個動態的歷程;從緊張的個人行動到覓得伙伴的自然支持;以及從自說自唱到學得參與伙伴實施新課程的經驗。 肆、不同安置環境課程規劃與實施異同方面 一、兩校由行政啟動課程發展,參照高職特殊教育新課程大綱指引完成學分架構的規劃,再納入學校總體課程計畫,並經教育局審查通過。 二、兩校特殊教育課程規劃分工、發展的程序及課程導向及學分比重略有不同。 三、兩校均個別召開學生個別化教育計畫會議討論其所需的課程與服務需求;並集結學生IEP的決議形成全校特殊需求彙整表,送特殊教育推行委員會決定課程與提供服務的適切性;最後由課程發展委員會審核課程調整的適當性。 四、兩校在宣導、學生個別化教育計畫會議的辦理期程、特殊教育推行委員會審議學生需求的作法、課程發展委員會規劃特殊教育班課程之程序、特殊需求領域的實施方式、跨處室行政配合彈性及新生轉銜工作的辦理事項上雖略有差異,但均依學校不同性質採校本方式實施。 五、兩校均遭遇新課程需加強宣導、教師專業能力或動機不一、學校資源不足等困難,但均應用學校現有人力及物力因應處理。 本研究並根據上述發現,針對相關高職及特殊教育學校發展智能障礙學生課程、實施及後續研究提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis action research aimed to design curriculum frameworks and their implementations for students with intellectual disabilities in a special education school and special education classes of a vocational high school as well, based on the newly revised Special Education Curriculum Guidelines. Data were collected through interviews, discussions, research diaries, and questionnaires, and analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-tests. The main findings were as follows. 1.The curriculum for the students with mildly intellectual disabilities in the vocational high school was structured mainly based on job skills and followed by life skills. This school-centered curriculum was classified under the Environmental Service Group with car beauty, chain store service, and food service subgroups in the vocational high school after analyzing job orientations and school resources. 2.The curriculum for the students with severely intellectual disabilities in the special school formed mainly focused on life skills and followed by basic job skills. The school-centered curriculum was also classified under the Environmental Service Group but consisted of cleaning services, food services, and life adaptation subgroups after analyzing students’ needs, curriculum articulation, and school resources. 3.Both two schools’ curriculum frameworks and teaching principles were firstly approved by the School Curriculum Development Committee and included into the whole school curriculum plan and then approved by the New Taipei City Education Bureau. 4.Two schools’ common courses consisted of seven core domains of general education curriculum, and then added some special need domain courses. The curriculum in the special classes, however, added national defense education course of general education curriculum. Job-oriented courses included required, subgroup job- based, and elective courses for students in both schools. 5.Both two schools’ curriculum frameworks were designed through each student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)teams, School Special Education Promotion Committee, and School Curriculum Development Committee. 6.Special education teachers in the vocational high school formed professional groups, interacted with non-special education teachers, and voluntarily participated in the out-school teacher and job trainings to enhance their professional knowledge; while those teachers in the special school cooperated with the school curriculum development committee, participated in intramural discussions and extramural conferences to stimulate their professional growth. 7.Both two schools’ parents were appreciated the implementation of the new curriculum framework. Also, the viewpoints from the questionnaire administered only to the students in the vocation high school indicated they were satisfied with this new curriculum. 8.Both schools held IEP meetings to discuss courses and services for each of the students, then made a file to list all students’ special needs, and summarized the data for the special education promotion committee to approve. Finally, it was up to the curriculum development committee for curriculum adjustment. 9.Both schools encountered problems including needs of promotion the new curriculum, lack of professionalism among teachers, and insufficient school resources. They all overcame the above problems by fully utilizing their current manpower and resources. Some suggestions were made for future implementations based on the findings.en_US
dc.subjectnewly revised special education curriculum guidelinesen_US
dc.subjectIntellectual Disabilitiesen_US
dc.subjectvocational high schoolen_US
dc.subjectspecial education classen_US
dc.subjectspecial education schoolen_US
dc.subjectcurriculum implementationen_US
dc.titleAn Action Research of Implementing the New Special Education Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High School Students with Intellectual Disabilitiesen_US


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