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摘要 長期以來,國內外的眾多研究發現社工員的工作滿意度始終不高,可能與業務內容繁瑣、工作壓力沈重、福利保障不足、薪資偏低、人身安全威脅等問題有關,這些因素也成為了影響社工員留職的主要原因。因此,本文旨在關注身為專業助人者之社工員,針對社工員在工作職場上的工作滿意度為一變項的思考邏輯下,試圖以組織管理的出發點切入,找出具有提高社工員工作滿意度之變項。 增強權能對於社工界並不陌生,多數的運用都針對案主層面加以討論,但甚少有文獻對於社工員自身的增強權能感(staff empowerment)作詳細的探討與說明;自我效能則是Bandura(1977)提出的概念,認為其對於個人工作上認知的改變具有相當重要的貢獻,將可以藉此對工作態度上的知覺有所影響,因此研究者藉此著力於社工員所處之組織環境脈絡與個人內在心理過程對於影響工作滿意度的知覺狀況進行研究,將增強權能感與自我效能納入研究變項,並期待藉著研究結果釐清社工員增強權能感、自我效能與工作滿意度之間的關係 本研究係以分層隨機抽樣方式,將全台灣各縣市分成北、中、南、東四區,從各區抽取四個縣(市)單位,但東部地區只有三縣(市),因此採全抽之方式,並從各縣市內的私立社會福利機構中抽四個機構,東部地區則抽取等比例之機構數量,共抽出大約六十六個機構,機構內職稱為「社工員」的工作人員皆為樣本對象,回收有效問卷兩百四十一份。綜合分析研究結果發現如下: 一、在增強權能感部分,社工員其整體增強權能感為中間偏高的程度。個人特徵變項中,已婚、機構內之社工員數量越少之社工員,其整增強權能感較高。 二、在自我效能部分,社工員的自我效能為中間偏高的程度。個人特徵變項中,年齡較大、已婚、東部地區、機構內之社工員數量越少之社工員,其自我效能的程度較高。而增強權能感與自我效能為顯著正相關。 三、在工作滿意度部分,社工員的工作滿意度為中間偏高的程度。個人特徵變項中,年齡較大、已婚、現職年資較長、東部地區、機構內社工員數量越少之社工員,其工作滿意度較高。而增強權能感、自我效能與工作滿意度為顯著正相關。 四、透過階層迴歸分析結果發現,社工員年齡、擁有權、自我效能得對工作滿意度產生影響力,另外,自我效能證實為部分中介效果。 五、透過路徑分析結果發現,增強權能感與自我效能此兩變項可用來預測工作滿意度,且增強權能感透過自我效能此一中介變項後,更能加以提升工作滿意度。
Abstract This study portraits the concepts in social workers’ empowerment, self-efficacy and job satisfaction among social workers. It is discussed in the private sector of social welfare in Taiwan. For a long time the job satisfaction had always been low among the social workers, domestically and abroad. It may imply the possible issues including the trivial working content, over-workload stress, insufficient benefit guarantee, low-paid salary and their safety in work. These factors had jeopardized one’s willingness of staying in the job. To determine ways raising level of their job satisfaction the study is proposed mainly to discuss in the aspect of organization management. Perception of empowerment is a familiar term in the field of social work field. In comparison to the facilitation use of empowerment among clients the empowerment for social workers became a rarely discussed or documented concern. Self-efficacy is a concept brought up by Bandura (1977). He believes it can effectually make changes in time to one’s attitude at work and awareness of one’s changes. Based on the concept the researchers will concentrate in the area of working environment and the process of mental awareness to further apply and find out the relationship between Perception of empowerment, Self-efficacy, and job satisfaction. This research uses Stratified random sampling, dividing Taiwan into 4 areas, north, west, south and east. 4 counties (cities) are picked from each area and 4 organizations form each county (city)’s , but east area just only has 3 county(city), so picked isometric private sector of social welfare sums up a total around 66 organizations. The sampling targets are all the workers, titled as “social workers”, from these organizations. 241 valid questionnaires return. Conclusion from the analysis: 1. Perception of Empowerment Social workers are among the level of middle to high. As in personal variable the married, and titled social workers with fewer colleagues intend to have stronger conception of empowerment. 2. Self-Efficacy Social workers are among the level of middle to high. As in personal variable the elder, married, and workers who work in east area or with fewer colleagues intend to have stronger self-efficacy. 3. Job Satisfaction Social workers are among the level of middle to high. As in personal variable, the elder, married, senior and workers who work in east area or with fewer colleagues intend to have stronger job satisfaction. Perception of empowerment and self-efficacy are also showing significant positive correlation. 4. Hierarchical Regression Analysis The result in regression mode of perception of empowerment, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction concludes that social workers’ age, ownership, self-efficacy could affect job satisfaction. Besides, self-efficacy is the partial mediation effect. 5. Path Analysis The result in path analysis concludes that perception of empowerment, self-efficacy could predict the level of job satisfaction and perception of empowerment though self-efficacy mediation variable could enhance the level of job satisfaction.



社工員, 增強權能感, 自我效能, 工作滿意度, social worker, empowerment, self-efficacy, job satisfaction





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