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  本研究選取一所執行成效特優國中進行個案研究,旨在資取其執行補救教學政策之成功經驗,以提供其他國中學校做為執行參考,期望藉此促其有效地提升執行成效。   本研究主要運用訪談法並輔以文件蒐集,以瞭解個案國中之補救教學政策執行情形、執行策略、以及執行過程中所遭遇之執行問題與因應對策。   根據本研究之研究結果,歸納重要研究發現如下: 壹、就和煦國中行政層面之執行情形而言,相關行政執行人員能夠積極地依據補救教學政策相關規定之設計目的,並考量學校現實執行情境,做出合宜之決定並形成合宜之行政執行作法,而非形式上配合辦理。 貳、就和煦國中教學層面之執行情形而言,教學人員能夠確實落實三層級學習支援系統之補救教學理念。 參、和煦國中運用師資人力最大化策略,促使開課班級數目最大化,以期能夠為所有願意參加之目標學生,開立符合其學習需求之補救教學課程。 肆、和煦國中透過目標學生參與率最大化策略,亦即善用導師對目標學生及其家長之影響力,使目標學生參加補救教學課程之人數比率最大化。 伍、和煦國中運用執行時間持續化策略,提供受輔學生持續、密集且長期之補救教學課程,藉以提升受輔學生之學習成就,進而促其獲得基本學力。 陸、和煦國中所遭遇之執行問題,有現職教師不願意正式成為補救教學教師、體育班受輔學生上課精神不濟及蹺課嚴重之問題、編班方式難以按照能力進行分班、以及學期中補救教學時數不足等四個執行問題。 柒、和煦國中針對執行問題,提出合適於核校執行情境之因應對策,但教學時數不足問題,因受限於現行法令規定,所以仍待上級教育行政機關之協助,才能加以解決。 本研究依據研究之結果,針對學校執行補救教學政策之行政與教學兩層面,提供相關建議,並進一步提出未來研究之建議。 關鍵字:補救教學政策執行、策略
   This study used case study method to explore the successful experiences of a middle school’s implementation of the remedial education policy for underachievers, and the research results of this study is expected to be as a reference for other middle schools when they implement the policy.    In order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, this study mainly applied the interview method and supplemented by document collection to explore about how the middle school implement the remedial education policy, what the key strategies this school applied, what problems this school encountered while implementing the remedial education policy and how this school dealt with these problems.    The major research results were as follows: 1.The administrative staffs were able to make appropriate decisions and practices based on the purposes of the remedial education policy design and the actual situation in their school. 2.The teaching staffs put the tier-1 and tier-2 concepts of 3-tier learning support system into practice in order to improve the underachievers’ academic achievement. 3.The school tried to maximize human resources in order to offer remedial courses for the most underachievers. 4.The school made good use of the homeroom teachers’ influence in order to convince the most underachievers to join the remedial courses. 5.The school provided remedial courses all year round and by providing continuing, intensive, and long-term remedial courses to enable underachievers acquiring the basic academic competence. 6.The school encountered four major problems while they implemented the policy for remedial education of underachiever. 7.One of the four major problems, insufficient teaching hours to deliver sufficient instruction, stays in unsolved, otherwise, the other three were tackled. Based on the results of the study, this study provides suggestions in the administrative and teaching levels for the implementation of the remedial education policy for underachievers in middle schools, and suggestions for future research. Keywords: implementation of the remedial education policy for underachievers, strategy



補救教學政策執行, 策略, implementation of the remedial education policy for underachievers, strategy





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