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本研究之研究目的為了解臺北市大學生公民素養之現況,探討不同背景變項之臺北市大學生在公民素養三面向包含公民認知、公民態度、公民參與之情形,探究臺北市大學生在公民素養此三面向的差異情況,以及了解臺北市大學生在公民素養此三面向的相關程度。 本研究以民國一百零五學年度就讀臺北市公、私立大學之大學日間部在學學生為母群體,採用問卷調查研究法,以分層叢集便利取樣方式,共得465份有效樣本。使用SPSS軟體進行描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Amos驗證性因素分析,對所蒐集到之樣本進行分析,得到以下結論: 一、臺北市大學生呈現中等的公民認知程度。 二、臺北市大學生大致表現出正向的公民態度。 三、臺北市大學生表現出中等偏向積極的公民參與。 四、在公民素養之認知部分,不同學校性質、年級、社團參與情形、擔任社團幹部、父母親教育程度、父母親職業類別之臺北市大學生達顯著差異。 五、在公民素養之態度部分,不同學校性質、性別、社團參與情形、擔任社團幹部之臺北市大學生達顯著差異。 六、在公民素養之參與部分,不同學校性質、性別、社團參與情形、擔任社團幹部、父母親教育程度之臺北市大學生達顯著差異。 七、臺北市大學生公民素養之認知面向與態度面向有顯著相關。 八、臺北市大學生公民素養之認知面向與參與面向沒有顯著相關。 九、臺北市大學生公民素養之態度面向與參與面向有顯著相關。 根據本研究之研究結果,對中央主管教育機構、師資培育機構、大學與高級中等以下學校及未來研究者提出具體建議。
The main purposes of the present study were to investigate the current status of civic literacy of college students in Taipei City, and to compare the differences of students’ civic literacy (their civic knowledge, attitudes, and participation)between different personal background, and also to analyze the relations among the three dimensions of civic literacy of college students in Taipei City. The population of the study was the students in day division of public and private colleges in Taipei City in 105 academic years. By using questionnaire survey, this study collected 465 valid samples. The data was analyzed by using the SPSS software, descriptive statistics, Independent t test, One-way ANOVA, and Amos Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The empirical results of the above study were synthesized as follows: 1. The degree of civic knowledge of the college students in Taipei City was moderate. 2. The college students in Taipei City had a positive attitude toward civic literacy. 3. An active tendency was found in the civic participation of the college students in Taipei City. 4. The result of “Civic knowledge” questionnaires showed that there were significant differences among different types of colleges, different grades, the situation of students’ participation in campus clubs, served as club cadre or not, parents’ education level, and the category of employment of parents. 5. The result of “Civic attitudes” questionnaires showed that there were significant differences among different types of colleges, gender, the situation of students’ participation in campus clubs, and served as club cadre or not. 6. The result of “Civic participation” questionnaires showed that there were significant differences among different types of colleges, gender, the situation of students’ participation in campus clubs, served as club cadre or not, and parents’ education level. 7. The “Civic knowledge” dimension and “Civic attitudes” dimension had significant correlation. 8. The “Civic knowledge” dimension and “Civic participation” dimension had no significant correlation. 9. The “Civic attitudes” dimension and “Civic participation” dimension had significant correlation. According to the results of this study, the researcher made some suggestions for education administration, teacher education institutions, colleges, senior and junior high schools as well as the future investigators.



大學生, 公民素養, 公民認知, 公民態度, 公民參與, civic attitudes, civic knowledge, civic literacy, civic participation, college students





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