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本研究旨在探討唐氏症者與非唐氏症者按鍵提放工作的反應時間(reaction time, 簡稱RT)、動作前反應時間(premotor reaction time, 簡稱PMT)、及動作反應時間(motor reaction time, 簡稱MOT)及其練習的效應。實驗參加者由10位唐氏症者(18.6士1.5歲)與10位非唐氏症者(16.3 ± 0.6歲)共20位中學生所組成。以Biovision(2000HZ)系統同部收集二頭肌肌電訊號與按鍵提放訊號。每位參與者施作3個區間、每個區間10次為試作。本研究的自變項為組別及練習區間,依變項則為RT、PMT、及MOT。所得資料以2(組別)´ 3(區間)混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗,後者為重覆量數;並以最小顯著差異考驗(LSD)法進行事後比較。研究發現如下:(1)唐氏症者在反應時間、動作前反應時間、及動作反應時間皆比非唐氏症者來得遲緩;顯示唐氏症者由於中樞及周邊神經系統缺陷需較多時間作計劃執行,(2)唐氏症者與非唐氏症者在反應時間、動作前反應時間及動作反應時間皆有練習效應;顯示練習能使中樞及周邊活動的效率提昇。
This purpose of this study was to examine reaction time (RT) premotor reaction time (PMT) and motor reaction time (MOT) switch releasing task and its practice effects of persons with Down syndrome (WDS) and without Down syndrome (WODS). Participants were 20 youths, 10 with DS (18.6 ± 1.5 years) and 10 NS (16.3 ± 0.6 years).Responses of biceps and timing of switch releasing were recorded by Biovision system (2000HZ). Each participant performed three blocks, with 10 trials in each block. Independent variables were groups and blocks, and dependent variables were RT, PMT, and MOT. Mixed-design two-way ANOVA, 2 (groups) × 3 (blocks), with the blocks as repeated measure, and least significant difference (LSD) Post Hoc test were administered for statistical analyses. The findings were as follows: (1) persons with WDS were slower than WODS in all the information processing temporal variables, RT, PMT, and MOT, indicating that WDS require more time to plan and execute due to central and peripheral processing deficits. (2) The effect of practice could be observed in both WDS and WODS in terms of RT, PMT, and MOT, indicating that efficiency of central and peripheral activity were increased with practice.
This purpose of this study was to examine reaction time (RT) premotor reaction time (PMT) and motor reaction time (MOT) switch releasing task and its practice effects of persons with Down syndrome (WDS) and without Down syndrome (WODS). Participants were 20 youths, 10 with DS (18.6 ± 1.5 years) and 10 NS (16.3 ± 0.6 years).Responses of biceps and timing of switch releasing were recorded by Biovision system (2000HZ). Each participant performed three blocks, with 10 trials in each block. Independent variables were groups and blocks, and dependent variables were RT, PMT, and MOT. Mixed-design two-way ANOVA, 2 (groups) × 3 (blocks), with the blocks as repeated measure, and least significant difference (LSD) Post Hoc test were administered for statistical analyses. The findings were as follows: (1) persons with WDS were slower than WODS in all the information processing temporal variables, RT, PMT, and MOT, indicating that WDS require more time to plan and execute due to central and peripheral processing deficits. (2) The effect of practice could be observed in both WDS and WODS in terms of RT, PMT, and MOT, indicating that efficiency of central and peripheral activity were increased with practice.
訊息處理, 肌電圖, 唐氏症, 反應時間, 動作前反應時間, 動作反應時間, information processing, electromyography, Down syndrome, reaction time, premotor reaction time, motor reaction time