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本研究冒險遊憩參與者冒險體驗模式(adventure experience paradigm, AEP)為基礎,本研究旨在探討調和式熱情、強迫式熱情、流暢體驗變數間之關係,並進一步探討知覺風險在上述變數關係間扮演之調節角色。本研究以登山遊憩活動參與者為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,第一階段預試:採用便利抽樣方式以臺灣地區主要的三個山岳型國家公園(玉山、雪霸及太魯閣)登山口入口,各抽取100名登山客,合計抽取300名作為本研究之預試樣本。第二階段正式問卷:再以立意抽樣方式分別在三個國家公園各抽取200名登山客作為本研究之樣本,抽取600名受試樣本,有效問卷回收584份,有效回收率為97.33%,主要研究結論如下:一、臺灣地區登山活動參與者主要以男性、未婚者青年及青壯年居多,學歷以大學或專科以上,從事工商服務業。登山活動參與行為主要結合家人、親友同事或社團夥伴,將近有半數登山者參與登山社團。二、登山活動參與者婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、平均月收入及居住地為影響「熱情」、「流暢體驗」及「知覺風險」的重要變項。三、二元熱情特質(調和式熱情與強迫式熱情)同時存在,並且兩者同時會正向影響流暢體驗。四、調和式或強迫式二元熱情的登山遊憩活動參與者,對於流暢體驗(流暢、高峰經驗)均為正向顯著的影響。五、登山參與者知覺風險對二元熱情(調和式、強迫式)與流暢體驗中之流暢構面之關係扮演調節角色。
Based on the adventure experience paradigm, AEP, of adventure recreation participants, this study aims at discussing the relationships among harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and flow experience. Furthermore, it also discusses the moderator roles of perceived risk among the variables. The subjects of this study were mountaineering activity participants, and data were collected by questionnaire survey. Convenience sampling method was applied on the first pre-test stage to choose 100 mountaineering participants randomly in each trailhead of the 3 major national parks, Yushan, Shei-Pa, and Taroko, 300 mountaineering participants in total in this survey. The second stage was the formal questionnaires collected from 200 participants respectively in these three national parks. There were 584 valid questionnaires out of 600 respondents, with the return rate of 97.33%.The results were as the followings: 1)Most of the mountaineering participants in Taiwan area were male, single, and young adults with university or college education degree and occupations in business and service industries. Mountaineering activity participating behavior was accompanied mostly with family, relatives, colleagues or club partners. More than half of the participants take part in mountaineering clubs. 2)The marriage status, ages, education degree, average monthly income, and living area were important variables which influence passion, flow experience, and perceived risk.3)This study proved that dualistic passion characteristics, inclusive of harmonious passion and obsessive passion, exist at the same time, and both of them affect flow experience positively. 4)Either harmonious or obsessive passion of mountaineering activity participants has positive influence on flow experience which contains flow and peak experience. 5)The perceived risk of mountaineering activity participants plays the moderator role on the flow dimension of dualistic passions (harmonious and obsessive) and flow experience. Based on the research results, this study suggests that recreation participants should figure out their own passion tendency and choose proper recreation activities to have positive recreation experiences. Simultaneously, if they choose a compatible recreation activity according to the recreation environment, climate, knowledge, and skills, they can build up the leisure community to exchange, learn and increase their activity knowledge and skills. Besides, this study also suggests that the government and private industry should plan various outdoor recreation environments to provide participants more abundant recreation experience.
Based on the adventure experience paradigm, AEP, of adventure recreation participants, this study aims at discussing the relationships among harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and flow experience. Furthermore, it also discusses the moderator roles of perceived risk among the variables. The subjects of this study were mountaineering activity participants, and data were collected by questionnaire survey. Convenience sampling method was applied on the first pre-test stage to choose 100 mountaineering participants randomly in each trailhead of the 3 major national parks, Yushan, Shei-Pa, and Taroko, 300 mountaineering participants in total in this survey. The second stage was the formal questionnaires collected from 200 participants respectively in these three national parks. There were 584 valid questionnaires out of 600 respondents, with the return rate of 97.33%.The results were as the followings: 1)Most of the mountaineering participants in Taiwan area were male, single, and young adults with university or college education degree and occupations in business and service industries. Mountaineering activity participating behavior was accompanied mostly with family, relatives, colleagues or club partners. More than half of the participants take part in mountaineering clubs. 2)The marriage status, ages, education degree, average monthly income, and living area were important variables which influence passion, flow experience, and perceived risk.3)This study proved that dualistic passion characteristics, inclusive of harmonious passion and obsessive passion, exist at the same time, and both of them affect flow experience positively. 4)Either harmonious or obsessive passion of mountaineering activity participants has positive influence on flow experience which contains flow and peak experience. 5)The perceived risk of mountaineering activity participants plays the moderator role on the flow dimension of dualistic passions (harmonious and obsessive) and flow experience. Based on the research results, this study suggests that recreation participants should figure out their own passion tendency and choose proper recreation activities to have positive recreation experiences. Simultaneously, if they choose a compatible recreation activity according to the recreation environment, climate, knowledge, and skills, they can build up the leisure community to exchange, learn and increase their activity knowledge and skills. Besides, this study also suggests that the government and private industry should plan various outdoor recreation environments to provide participants more abundant recreation experience.
冒險性遊憩活動, 調和式熱情, 強迫式熱情, 流暢體驗, 知覺風險, 登山活動, adventure recreation activity, harmonious passion, obsessive passion, flow experience, perceived risk, mountaineering activities