
dc.contributor.authorYen Mei-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract多元文化教育所涵蓋的範圍非常廣泛,有時候甚至是模糊不易掌握的,但是不論在何種時空背景、社會脈絡之下,都脫離不了尊重包容的本質、公平正義的基礎,以及教育改革的理想。多元文化教育不侷限於某些特定目的的教育計畫或變革,而是整體教育環境與思想觀念的更新,同時也不特定在何種科目、課程或教學計畫、教學活動中實施,透過持續不斷的課程改革和其他教育改革途徑,教導學生熟悉自己的文化,能夠自尊自信;教導學生去認識和欣賞其他文化,養成積極對待其他文化,消除各種偏見和歧見,使每個學生都具有同等的學習機會,都能體驗成功的學習。 自2001年開始實施的國民教育九年一貫課程,在課程綱要中也提及多元文化教育的重要性。九年一貫課程在台灣教改的過程中,是一項重大的變革,除了對課程規範的鬆綁外,教科書也全面開放民間出版,對各家版本、各個學習領域教科書的檢視與分析研究比較未曾間斷。本研究根據多元文化教育理論,針對現行國中翰林、康軒、南一三個版本的國中社會學習領域一至六冊公民教科書及習作,利用「社會學習領域多元文化課程主題類目表」進行多元文化內容之量化分析;再透過對教科書內容文字與圖片的質性分析,檢視其中的偏差與缺失,獲致結論並提出建議。 本研究發現,三個版本的教科書,在多元文化內容的數量方面,都已達到一定的水準,各版本於五大主題類目的排序、比例略有不同,但各版本教科書於五大主題類目的分佈情形呈現相當的一致性。在文字與圖片方面仍有部分表現出族群中心主義、性別刻板印象與偏見,隱含中上階級意識型態。在課程設計方面,多元文化教育的內容仍多半以附加方式呈現,少數內容以融合方式呈現。本研究針對未來教科書在多元文化教育內涵編寫的改進方向上,提出以下建議,俾供未來教科書編寫之參考: 壹、對教科書多元文化內容的建議 一、多元文化內容應以概念與議題為主 二、增加議題融入教學 三、站在少數族群的立場談相關議題 四、定期檢視教科書並修正 貳、教科書內容不符多元文化教育的補救之道 一、教學過程之中,教師應對教科書中的少數族群內容多加引導 二、教師應主動積極引導學生建立多元觀點 三、教學目標之訂定,應與多元文化教育目標相結合 参、對後續研究之建議 一、研究範圍可針對國中社會學習領域地理、歷史教科書及教師本身是否 具有多元文化教育理念進行探究。 二、可將研究主題擴充至跨領域比較或跨國比較,其他包括教學環境、教師態度、潛在課程等教學現場的狀況,也都是值得發展的研究問題。 三、研究方法可以利用問卷調查法、訪談法等方法之外,更能實際進入教學的情境之中。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe goal that multicultural education attempts to reach is to establish an educational environment where students have an equal opportunity; that is, students with different ethnicities, genders, backgrounds, or from different social classes can develop themselves based on their potential and learn efficiently. Recently, multicultural education is getting considerable attentions with the increasing diversification as well as liberal politics and economics in Taiwan. Therefore, the significance of multicultural education has been mentioned in the curriculum guidelines since Grade 1-9 Curriculum put into practice in 2001. Grade 1-9 Curriculum is critical in the curriculum reform history in Taiwan. It not only relaxes restrictions for curricula but comprehensively allows non-governmental publication of textbooks; nevertheless, it never ceases the examination and analyzing on textbooks of different versions in seven learning domains. Based on the theory of multicultural education, this study used a subject category checklist to quantify and analyze the multicultural contents applied in three versions of civics textbooks and workbooks: namely, Han Lin, Knsh, and Nani, which are primly used in junior high schools. Qualitative analysis on the written words and pictures in the textbooks was also made to check the deviation, and finally conclusions as well as suggestions were derived. Results of the study showed more than 69 % of multicultural contents contained in the three versions and there were significant consistence between their distributions under every subject category despite slight variations in subject order and proportion. However, there were still some ethnocentrism, sexism, gender stereotypes, and a subtle ideology of upper middle class revealed by the written words and pictures. As for curriculum design, most of the multicultural contents were additional instead of being integrated. Based on the research results, suggestions about the multicultural contents in the textbooks are listed as follows: I. suggestions for multicultural contents in the textbooks: 1.The contents should be based on concepts and issues. 2. The integration of issues into teaching should be increased. 3. Relevant issues should be discussed from the viewpoint of minority groups. 4. Textbooks should be examined and revised regularly. II. When multicultural education textbooks do not match how to do: 1. In the teaching process, the teacher should be more active to guide students to a better understanding of the minority groups. 2. The teacher should guide students to achieve a multi-dimensional viewpoint. 3. The goals of teaching and multicultural education should be integrated. III. suggestions for future research 1. Future research could examine the multicultural contents of history and geography textbooks used in junior high schools or examine if teachers have the concept of multicultural education. 2. Future research could be interdisciplinary or transnational. Other issues like teaching environments, teacher’s attitudes toward multicultural education, and latent curriculum are worth further exploration. 3. Future research could employ questionnaires and interviews, or some other ways that will let the researcher be in the authentic education setting.en_US
dc.subjectmulticultural educationen_US
dc.subjectthe social studies learning areas in junior high schoolsen_US
dc.subjectcivics textbooksen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Current Civics Textbooks Used in Junior High Schools: from the Viewpoints of Multicultural Educationen_US

