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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU


大數據帶來開放數據環境促使數位敘事研究發生轉向,突顯「讓資料說故事」之重要性。資料敘事屬於新興研究議題,其概念、方法及應用等皆在發展中。因此,本文梳理與分析國內外資料敘事相關學術文獻,試圖為此一新議題補充相關內容,建立資料敘事分析之概念性框架,再以產品品牌故事為例,試圖找出概念性框架之建構故事階段可參考的故事內容元素。本文研究結果有三點:(一)資料敘事以探索不同資料中之故事內容或洞察作為首要工作,並以資訊圖表或相關視覺化技術對故事內容加以詮釋為輔助工作;(二)資料敘事分析框架可劃分為探索資料、建構故事及訴說故事三個階段,每一階段皆涉及不同步驟;(三)歸納比較產品品牌資料敘事之 24個故事內容元素,其中 3 個歸為共通元素與 11 個歸為次要元素。本研究貢獻為釐清資料敘事之重要概念與其研究內容,以及建構資料敘事分析概念性框架,其結果可作為後續資料敘事研究之分析參考。
The open data environment brought by big data has led to the turning of digital narrative research, highlighting the importance of “Telling stories with data.” Data narratives is emerging topic, and its concepts, methods, and applications are under developing. This study reviews literature of data narratives, complements relevant content, establishes a conceptual framework of data narrative analysis, and then take a product brand story analysis as an example for the stage of constructing stories in conceptual framework and revealed some narrative elements. Key results of this study are as follows: (1) Data narrative explores the story content or insight in different materials is the primary task. Using information graphics or related visual technology to interpret the story content is an auxiliary work; (2) The data narrative analysis framework can be divided into three stages: exploring data, constructing stories, and telling stories. Each stage involves different steps; (3) Inducting twenty‐four narrative elements of product brand narrative, three of which are classified as common elements and eleven as secondary elements. This research contributes to clarifying the important concepts of data narrative and its research content, as well as constructing a narrative analysis conceptual framework for data. The results can be applied as an analytical reference for further research.






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