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一、 對大學生提升個人永續發展素養建議:積極參與志工機會,從服務中反思學習經驗、增加選修大學社會責任實踐計畫之相關課程、重視並認真投入課程內容與活動。
二、 對教師培養學生永續發展素養建議:注重並激勵學生各方面學習投入經驗、課程增加實際操作活動內容、未來課程內容設計增加培養學生對「批判思考能力」與「自我覺察能力」的提升。
三、 對未來永續發展素養相關研究,分別提出研究變項、研究對象與研究方法建議。
This study aimed to explore the personal backgrounds, learning engagement, and sustainable development literacy of college students.Variable factors included biological gender, grade level, current college, volunteer experience, and number of elective courses; cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and behavioral engagement; Systems thinking competency, Anticipatory competency, Normative competency, Strategic competency, Collaboration competency, Critical thinking competency, Self awareness competency.Study targets were students from National Taiwan Normal University who took elective college courses associated with social responsibility during the 2019 and 2020 academic year. Descriptive statistics, independent t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression were used to explore the relationship between and impact of learning engagement and sustainable development literacy in college students attending courses relating to social responsibility programs. Results of this study are summarized as follows:1. In terms of learning engagement, the “behavioral engagement” aspect had the highest average score, followed by the “emotional engagement” aspect and the “cognitive engagement” aspect. 2. In terms of sustainable development literacy, the “Normative competency” aspect had the highest average score, successively followed by “Systems thinking competency”, “Colla boration competency”, “Anticipatory competency”, “Integrated problem solving competency”, “Strategic competency”, “Critical thinking competency” and “Self awareness competency”3. Among personal background variables, volunteer experience and number of elective courses yielded significant differences in learning engagement and sustainable development literacy.4. Pearson correlation analysis found a positive correlation between learning engagement and sustainable development literacy in college students.5. Multiple regression analysis found significant explanatory power in personal backgrounds, learning engagement, and sustainable development literacy in college students: In terms of systems thinking competency, explanatory power was 31.1%; In terms of anticipatory competency, explanatory power was 29.5%; In terms of normative competency, explanatory power was 16.1%; In terms of strategic competency, explanatory power was 48.5%; In terms of colla boration competency, explanatory power was 37.9%; In terms of critical thinking competency, explanatory power was 17.6%; In terms of self awareness competency, explanatory power was 36.2%; In terms of integrated problem solving competency, explanatory power was 28.9%.Suggestions based on study results include: 1. Suggestions for enhancing sustainable development literacy in college students: Actively participate in volunteer opportunities and reflect on learning experiences, take more elective college courses relating to social responsibility programs, and focus on engagement in course content and activities. 2. Suggestions for teachers cultivating sustainable development literacy in students: Emphasize and encourage learning engagement in students, increase the number of practical course activities, and include activities to cultivate “Critical thinking competency” and “Self awareness competency” in students when designing courses in future.3. Suggestions on study variables, study targets, and research methods have also been proposed for future research on sustainable development literacy.
This study aimed to explore the personal backgrounds, learning engagement, and sustainable development literacy of college students.Variable factors included biological gender, grade level, current college, volunteer experience, and number of elective courses; cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and behavioral engagement; Systems thinking competency, Anticipatory competency, Normative competency, Strategic competency, Collaboration competency, Critical thinking competency, Self awareness competency.Study targets were students from National Taiwan Normal University who took elective college courses associated with social responsibility during the 2019 and 2020 academic year. Descriptive statistics, independent t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression were used to explore the relationship between and impact of learning engagement and sustainable development literacy in college students attending courses relating to social responsibility programs. Results of this study are summarized as follows:1. In terms of learning engagement, the “behavioral engagement” aspect had the highest average score, followed by the “emotional engagement” aspect and the “cognitive engagement” aspect. 2. In terms of sustainable development literacy, the “Normative competency” aspect had the highest average score, successively followed by “Systems thinking competency”, “Colla boration competency”, “Anticipatory competency”, “Integrated problem solving competency”, “Strategic competency”, “Critical thinking competency” and “Self awareness competency”3. Among personal background variables, volunteer experience and number of elective courses yielded significant differences in learning engagement and sustainable development literacy.4. Pearson correlation analysis found a positive correlation between learning engagement and sustainable development literacy in college students.5. Multiple regression analysis found significant explanatory power in personal backgrounds, learning engagement, and sustainable development literacy in college students: In terms of systems thinking competency, explanatory power was 31.1%; In terms of anticipatory competency, explanatory power was 29.5%; In terms of normative competency, explanatory power was 16.1%; In terms of strategic competency, explanatory power was 48.5%; In terms of colla boration competency, explanatory power was 37.9%; In terms of critical thinking competency, explanatory power was 17.6%; In terms of self awareness competency, explanatory power was 36.2%; In terms of integrated problem solving competency, explanatory power was 28.9%.Suggestions based on study results include: 1. Suggestions for enhancing sustainable development literacy in college students: Actively participate in volunteer opportunities and reflect on learning experiences, take more elective college courses relating to social responsibility programs, and focus on engagement in course content and activities. 2. Suggestions for teachers cultivating sustainable development literacy in students: Emphasize and encourage learning engagement in students, increase the number of practical course activities, and include activities to cultivate “Critical thinking competency” and “Self awareness competency” in students when designing courses in future.3. Suggestions on study variables, study targets, and research methods have also been proposed for future research on sustainable development literacy.
大學生, 學習投入經驗, 永續發展, 大學社會責任, college students, learning engagement, sustainable development literacy, university social responsibility