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本研究旨在探討我國大學校院學生事務中階主管經營能力與專業發展需求,本研究除了探究學生事務中階主管經營能力重要性與專業發展需求度的看法外,並探討不同背景變項影響經營能力重要性與專業發展需求度的差異情形。 本研究採用調查研究法,並以「大學校院學生事務中階主管經營能力與專業發展需求問卷」為研究工具,研究工具為參考相關研究與量表編制之問卷。該問卷內容包括四部分:第一部分為經營能力重要性量表,包含「領導」、「學生接觸」、「溝通」、「人員管理」、「財務管理」、「專業發展」、「研究、評鑑與評估」、「法律」、「科技」及「多元」等十個面向;第二部分為專業發展需求度量表,亦包括相同上述之十個面向;第三部分為專業發展或進修經驗;第四部分為基本資料。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析,得到以下結論: 一、大學校院學務中階主管對於經營能力重要性的看法,重要性由高至低依序為:「領導」、「學生接觸」、「溝通」、「財務管理」、「人員管理」、「多元」、「法律」、「科技」、「研究、評鑑與評估」、「專業發展」。 二、大學校院學務中階主管的專業發展需求程度由高至低為:「領導」、「學生接觸」、「溝通」、「人員管理」、「財務管理」、「法律」、「多元」、「科技」、「研究、評鑑與評估」、「專業發展」。 三、部分個人背景變項(性別、年齡、服務組別及最高學歷學術背景)及學校環境變項(學校性質及學務歸屬)學務中階主管對經營能力重要性的看法有顯著差異。 四、部分個人背景變項(學歷、服務組別及最高學歷學術背景)及學校環境變項(學校性質及學務歸屬)學務中階主管對專業發展需求程度上有顯著差異。 五、能有效促進大學校院學務中階主管參與進修或研習活動原因為:上級主管支持與鼓勵、個人具進修成長的意願、進修時間能配合。 六、學務中階主管最喜歡的三項學務進修或研習方式依序如下:觀摩實習、機構參訪/標竿學習、研討會。 七、學務中階主管期待辦理學務研習或進修活動的單位為:相關學術單位。 八、學務中階主管感興趣的專業議題範疇為:學務專題研究。 九、學務中階主管認為最適合辦理學務有關之進修或研習活動的時段為:寒暑假。 十、學務中階主管認為最適合進修教育學分或碩博士學位的時段為:寒暑假。 本研究依據研究結論,提出對教育行政單位、相關單位及後續研究之建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore mid-level student affairs managers’ perception of skills and needs for continued professional development. More specifically, the study is to determine whether differences exist among various mid-level student affairs managers’ backgrounds and personal varieties, which are in relation to the score of skill importance and need for continued professional development. The method of this study is survey research, and the instrument used in this study is “Questionnaire of skills and needs for continued professional development for Mid-level student affairs managers in university”. The questionnaire is divided into four parts. Part one and part two are related to the score of skill importance and need for continued professional development, including “Leadership”, “Student Contact”, “Communication”, “Personnel Management”, “Fiscal Management”, “Professional Development” , “Research, Evaluation, and Assessment”, “Legal Issues”, “Technology”, and “Diversity”. In addition, Part three is related to experience of professional development. Finally, part four is related to background information. The statistical methods include descriptive statistic, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Following conclusions are drawn from this study: 1.Mid-level student affairs managers think “ Leadership” is the most important skill category, followed by ” Student Contact”, ”Communication”, “Fiscal Management”, “Personnel Management”, “Diversity”, “Legal Issues”, “Technology”, “Research, Evaluation, and Assessment”, and “Professional Development”. 2. The skill of “ Leadership” is the top-ranked skill of mid-level student affairs managers who perceived the need for continued professional development , followed by ” Student Contact”, ”Communication”, “Personnel Management”, “Fiscal Management”, “Legal Issues”, “Diversity”, “Technology”, “Research, Evaluation, and Assessment”, and “Professional Development”. 3.Some individual variables, including “Gender”, “Age”, “Divisions in student affairs ” and ”Major field of highest degree earned”, and some institutional variables, including “Institution type” and “Coordinating Center for student affairs” affect mid-level student affairs managers’ skills. 4.Some individual variables, including “Highest degree earned”, “Divisions in student affairs” and ”Major field of highest degree earned” , and some institutional variables, including “Institution type” and “Coordinating Center for student affairs” affect mid-level student affairs managers’ need for continued professional development. 5. The main factors for mid-level student affairs managers to participate in the activities of professional development are “Encouragement from supervisors”, “Aspiration for professional development” and “Correspond with her/his schedule”. 6. The top three preferred ways of professional development are “Internship”, “School visits” and “Conferences”. 7. Mid-level student affairs managers expected activities of professional development held by organization was “Academic organization”. 8. Professional category Mid-level student affairs managers’ are interested in was “Student affairs issues”. 9. “Winter and summer vacation” are considered as the most proper time to hold the professional development activities or pursue the higher degree. This study offers suggestions to the administrative and other relevant departments. It also gives directions for future studies.



大學校院學生事務中階主管, 經營能力, 專業發展, 專業發展需求





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