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  本創作研究乃以筆者對當下所感受的社會問題為主軸,藉由創作者的眼睛觀看台灣社會,用個人的創作手法與觀者進行對話。   由於台灣屬於海島型國家,受到外來文化影響甚鉅,在文化上雖是中國傳統文化根基的延續,但因經歷日本統治時期文化的洗禮,光復後的台灣又受到美國大量的援助,因此在文化及思想上都潛移默化地追隨西方潮流,因此台灣應屬於一個後殖民(Postcolonial)的環境。以整體觀看台灣在全球中的定位處於尷尬曖昧不明之中,遊走在政治主權的邊緣,受到各國文化的影響,而這種多元混雜交融的文化漸漸成為台灣文化的特色之一。筆者在如此豐富及混雜文化環境下成長,試圖尋找歸納出屬於台灣文化的特點,並以此特點進行創作及研究。   本論文架構分為五個章節。第一章為緒論,簡述研究目的及創作動機。   第二章 以相關後殖民理論、台灣文化史、台灣歷史等為根據,探討筆者的藝術創作學理的基礎。   第三章 討論筆者個人的創作理念與實踐,前段部分先論述繪畫之中物件的意涵,及筆者常用的象徵符號,後段部分則以創作者的角度綜合說明筆者所使用的媒材及表現手法。   第四章 依據個人研究所時期的創作歸納並加以討論每件作品所表達的意涵,並仔細分析個別作品的創作背景、繪畫媒材及結構形式。   第五章 總結筆者於研究所時期的繪畫探討心得,透過撰寫此論文更加釐清個人的思想及脈絡,未來並朝著更深化的內涵發展。
The main argument of this thesis is the author’s instantaneous emotional reaction towards social problems. Observing to the society of Taiwan, the author intends to communicate with the viewers through his paintings and creation techniques.   Since Taiwan is geographically an island country, it has been greatly influenced by foreign cultures. Though Taiwanese culture is originally an extension to the Chinese traditional culture, since Taiwan experienced decades of being a colony of Japan and KMT accepted the help from the US, it shows tremendous Western influences nowadays. As a result, Taiwan is under a Postcolonial condition. The international position of Taiwan is still unclearly defined, and even the Taiwanese are uncertain about thein political sovereignty. These confusions have been reflected in Taiwan’s mixed culture. Having grown up under this condition, the author intends to sum up the features of Taiwanese culture by doing research and creating works of art.   This essay is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the purpose of the author’s research and artistic creation.   In the second chapter, post-colonialism, both the history and the cultural history of Taiwan are discussed to build up the theoretical base of his works of art.   In the third chapter, the author discusses his concept of panting firstly the symbolic meanings of the frequently depicted objects in his paintings and the media and techniques of artistic expression.   In the fourth chapter, the meanings backgrounds, media of creating and structured patterns of the author’s individual paintings are analyzed and discussed.   Lastly, the fifth chapter is the conclusion about the author’s experience and contemplation of the artistic creation, as well his pursuit of further development.



後殖民, 在地性, 台灣文化, 當代水墨, Postcolonial, locality, Taiwan Culture, contemporary ink art





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