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本研究旨在分析探討我國國中社會學習領域教科書中南一版、康軒版及翰林版三個版本呈現世界公民教育內涵的情形及差異。為達成研究目的,本研究採取內容分析法,首先參酌相關文獻及專家意見,建立本研究主題之類目表,將世界公民教育分為「世界公民教育的知識與理解」、「世界公民教育的價值觀與態度」及「世界公民教育的技能與實踐」三大主類目,其中再分成14項次類目及36項子類目,進而分析一百零一學年版社會學習領域教科書中世界公民教育內涵。 本研究獲致結論如下: 一、 各版本內容在世界公民教育三項主類目的呈現情形,皆以「知識與理解」類目呈現次數最多;「技能與實踐」類目呈現次數最少 二、 各版本在主類目「知識與理解」中,皆偏重「全球史地」、「社會正義與人權」及「環境永續發展」的內容呈現;而在「反全球化」及「全球疾病與防治」方面所佔比重最低。 三、 各版本在主類目「價值觀與態度」中,皆偏重「關心地球環境」、「關注生態永續發展」、「關心人權實施狀況」及「關懷弱勢族群」的內容呈現;而在「關注貧富差距」、「認同自己全球公民身份」及「相信人類可以改變的信念」方面所佔比重最低。 四、 各版本在主類目「技能與實踐」中,皆缺乏「具備跨國界合作能力」的相關內容呈現,且在「批判思考能力」及「媒體識讀能力」方面所佔比重極低。 根據上述的研究結果提出相關建議,以作為教科書編撰及未來研究的參考
The purpose of this research is to analyze and discuss the content presentation and differences of global citizenship education between social studies textbook versions NANI, KNSH and HANLIN in junior high school. This study adopts the content analysis methodology. First, in order to build up the analysis category for the research, we consult experts for their opinions and refer to the documents and literature of global citizenship education. We divide global citizenship education to three main dimentions, “Knowledge and Understanding”、”Values and Attitudes” and ”Skills and Abilities to Practice”. Moreover, these dimentions are further divided into totally 14 sub-dimentions and 36 minimal items in order to completely analyze the connotation of the textbooks published in 2013 in junior high school studies area. The conclusions are as follows: 1. In the three main dimentions, “Knowledge and Understanding” is the most emphazied one in contrast to “Skills and Abilities to Practice”, for all textbook versions. 2. For the main dimention “Knowledge and Understanding”, all textbook versions put emphasis on ‘global history and geography’, ‘social justice and human rights’ and ‘environmental sistenbility and development’, and in constrast, ‘anti-globalzation’ and ‘global disease cognition and prevention’ are less mentioned. 3. For the main dimention “Values and Attitudes”, all textbook versions put emphasis on ‘caring about global environment’, ‘caring about ecological environment sustainable development‘, ‘caring about the practice of human rights’ and ‘caring about the disadvantaged groups’, and in constrast, ‘caring about wealth gap’, ‘self-cognition for the role of global citizen’ and ‘belief that people can make a difference’ are less mentioned. 4. For the main dimention “Skills and Abilities to Practice”, all textbook versions lack of the content about the ‘ability of cross-countries cooperation’, and ‘critical thinking’ and ‘media literacy’ are also rarely mentioned. In conclusion, according to the findings listed above, a few related suggestions are regard as references to edit and select textbooks and further research.



世界公民教育, 社會學習領域, 教科書, 內容分析法, global citizenship education, social studies area, textbooks, content analysis





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