dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 謝聰輝 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-03-31T09:19:11Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-03-31T09:19:11Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2007/08-2008/07 | |
dc.description.abstract | 施博爾與丁煌教授曾撰文指出,臺灣道壇保存了許多明代道藏所未收錄的宋代泉 州、福州一帶庋藏的科儀道書。丁教授更強調透過老道壇資料的調查研究,不僅可以重 建臺灣道壇清代的傳承譜系,瞭解臺灣道教史的發展軌跡;更可以印證這些科儀抄本自 宋代至今的運用變遷情形,以及與道教經派的關係,凸顯臺灣作為「道教活化石」的重 要地位。但自從施氏蒐購臺灣台南高屏地區老道壇經抄本與文物圖像回歐後,幾十年 來,除了在<臺灣之道教文獻>一文開列主要經科舊抄書目外,世人就無緣再看到這批 臺灣道教史的原版珍貴資料文物,其也未有此一主題完整深入的研究發表。筆者有見此 研究問題與責任的寶重,十餘年來,繼踵前輩學者的腳步,除拜入師門,持續深入訪問 各道壇,蒐集或獲贈許多早期道壇抄本資料外,並陸續撰文發表田野調查研究心得。此 次提出專書寫作計畫,準備以二至三年時間,擴大研究的區域至台南高屏地區,整理已 蒐集和持續蒐集中的道教科儀文檢資料,以及改寫相關已發表的文章,希望在台灣道教 史與道教文書學的研究上盡一己之力。本書準備共分九章,其章節重點如下:第一章緒 論:義界、研究動機與重要性、前人研究析論、問題意識、研究理論與方法、預期目標。 第二章至第五章分別就科儀的功能與屬性,區分為功德齋儀、慶成祈安、禳災王醮與傳 度授籙等四章,就其義界、科儀與文檢運用關係、重要文檢溯源、詮釋等項深入探討。 第六章文檢文體考論:義界、道教文檢與公文書的關係,文檢的上行、平行與下行歸類 論述。第七章文檢格式考論:義界、章法格式、平闕、用印、花押、批硃等析論。第八 章文檢仙曹考論:義界、神仙譜系、行文系統、官曹名稱詮釋。第九章結論。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | Kristofer Schipper and Ding Huang have pointed out that Daoist Altars have preserved various Song Dynasty ritual scriptures from Quanzhou and Fuzhou areas. Professor Ding even said that trough investigations of the references of Daoist Altars, we may reconstruct the linage of the Daoist Altars in Taiwan and trace the transformations of Daoist ritual scriptures. However, after the article 「Daoist References in Taiwan」 has revealed the list of the scriptures, there is no any further research on the references in southern Taiwan. I have investigated several Daoist Altars and studied from Daoist Masters in this decade. I also collected some ritual scriptures and references while I did my field studies. Thus, I would like to present a proposal of a book writing in order to reveal these references as well as my researches. The book will be divided in nine chapters. The first chapter is introduction, review, methodology and proposes. The second to fifth chapters are related to Zhai ritual, Daoist liturgy, Jiao ritual and bestowing registers. In the sixth chapter, the author will discuss the usages of petition in Daoist liturgy and will study the formats of the petitions in Daoist liturgy in seventh chapter. The eighth chapter will focus on the Daoist pantheon and hierarchy of officials which relate to petitions. The ninth chapter is conclusion. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_B0119_04_006 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44732 | |
dc.language | zh_TW | |
dc.relation | (國科會專題研究計畫,NSC96-2420-H003-025)。 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 道教 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 道教文檢 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 靈寶 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 道壇 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | Taoism | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Taoist Petitions | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Lingbao Taoist Tltars | en_US |
dc.title | 台南高屏地區靈寶道壇文檢研究 | zh_tw |
dc.title | The Studies of Taoist Petitions at Lingbao Taoist Altars in Tainan,Gaoxiong and Bingdong | en_US |