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運輸部門是僅次於能源及工業部門的第三大溫室氣體排放部門,為此,政府提出相關的運輸政策以達成節能減碳之效,鼓勵騎乘自行車是其中一項重要計畫。持續性的自行車騎乘行為,對於環境有實質的益處,因此本研究以自行車通勤族為研究對象,探討其持續騎乘自行車上、下班的行為。目的在瞭解自行車通勤族的持續騎乘行為的特質。本研究的主題涉及人們在自行車通勤行為之下的複雜心理,因此以質性研究作為研究取向。訪談、觀察和文件蒐集為本研究蒐集資料的方式,而後進行資料的編碼與分析。研究者與六位騎乘自行車通勤達3年以上的通勤族,訪談之內容為主要的資料分析來源。 研究結果顯示自行車通勤族是騎乘自行車上、下班的主動學習者,他們藉由騎乘經驗獲得了騎乘自行車通勤的技能,接著是在騎乘經驗的反思中,認知騎乘自行車通勤的可行性,同時影響了他們對於騎乘自行車的態度。無論自行車通勤族是中性地看待騎乘自行車通勤的行為,或者視其為生活的一部分、賦予它環保意義,可見自行車通勤族在騎乘行為之後有所學習與成長。自行車進而將新技能、新觀點與新態度推及生活的各個面向:調整自己的生活方式以持續騎乘自行車通勤、鼓勵親友加入騎乘自行車的行列。 研究者依研究結果,分別提出關於教育及後續研究之啟示與建議。教育啟示:1.增強自我效能是促使個人騎乘自行車通勤的首要任務;2.滿足自行車通勤族的安全需求為先;3.將外在動機轉化為內在誘因;4.形成開放且接納的自行車騎乘環境。
Transport sector is the third contributor of greenhouse gas emission in Taiwan. Government implemented policies in order to conserve energy and reduce carbon emission, and cycling is one of it. Maintaining cycling do really help environment, so the research aims to discuss the maintainability of commuters who cycle to work. The topic of the research involves people’s life experience and complex psychology, qualitative research was used. Interview, observation and documents collection are the way to collect data. The interview content from six cycling commuters who cycle to work over three years is the main data resource. The research found that cycle commuters are active learners. They got cycling skill from cycling experiences, and perceived that cycling is workable from reflection. Cycling commuters’ attitudes toward cycling behavior is neutral, life or pro-environmental, showing that they learned and grown after cycle to work. Cycling commuters even extend their new skill, new perception and new attitude to their life. According to the results, the suggestions for education are: 1. to strengthen cyclists’ self-efficacy is primary; 2. to satisfy cyclists’ safe demand is important; 3. turning external motivation into internal incentive.



自行車通勤, 行為持續, 綠色運輸, cycle commuting, behavioral maintenance, green transportation





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