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指導教授:林靜萍 博士
本研究主要目的在於探討國小游泳課體育專長教師與游泳教練之教室生態,瞭解國小游泳課教學之教學、管理、學生社會三個任務系統間之情形。研究方法:以質性研究取向,對體育專長教師與游泳教練進行課堂非參與觀察,觀察的重點著重於教室生態師生間的互動情形,並根據觀察結果進行半結構式訪談,且在課堂旁進行課堂拍攝以利往後資料的佐證,取得資料後進行歸納分析,歸納的方式以教室生態類目為主以符合研究問題,最後撰寫研究結果。結果: 1.體育專長教師讓學生以小組方式進行教學,減少管理的時間,增加學生間互動的機會,提升教學的效率,且面對學生不瞭解的地方,會簡化表達的方式讓學生能理解教師所表達的內容2.游泳教練為了提高學生技能進行1對1的各自教學,以強化學生游泳技能,但卻忽略了學生彼此間的互動交流及水上安全認知等相關能力.,且游泳教練雖有著豐富的學科知識,可是卻無法將知識轉化成學生容易理解的內容3.教學任務系統中學生面對不理解的任務時會有向教師反應、自行理解或不虞理會的行為產生4.管理任務系統中因場地的特殊性,體育專長教師與游泳教練都非常注重學生水域安全的保障5.學生社會任務系統中學生會與課堂教師進行磨合,當摸清課堂教師底線時,會開始出現各式各樣的要求以符合學生的期望。結論與建議: 應針對游泳教練的教學知識進行培育,使其能夠將豐富的學科內容知識進行教學的轉化,而體育教師與游泳教練應了解學生的想法以營造符合學生期待的課堂計畫,建議未來針對不同項目與參與者進行研究,以求更完善的體育教學品質。
An Ecological Analysis of swimming instruction in elementary school Chen Lu-Hsien Lin Ching-Ping Abstract In recent times, most research of ecology of physical education focused on the dynamical process in the interaction between students and teachers. According to previous studies of ecology of physical education, if teachers have the ability to perform good interaction with students, it can improve the efficiency of task system. At the same time, teachers can do self-examination through the ecology of physical education. Moreover, teachers can improve teaching efficiency from students’ feedback and improve the teacher professional development as well. This study aims at discussing the ecology of physical education to help teachers clarify their teaching principles. We hope to help teachers design a teaching plan based on students’ reactions and also in accordance with both students’ needs and teachers’ goal, to provide a perfect ecology of physical education. Methodology: First, we adopted systematic observation to analyze the teaching clips. Second, based on the analysis results we provided teaching instructions for PE student teachers. Finally we provide the conclusion. Results: 1) PE student teachers spent too much time on classroom management and reduced time on teaching and students’ activity. 2) The intervention of teaching instructions improved PE student teachers’ classroom management significantly. Conclusion and Suggestion: 1) Opposed to other studies, our research observe that PE student teachers do not manage classroom well. They should be aware of the time arrangement in order not to delay the teaching pace. 2) Appropriate teaching instructions can help improve PE student teachers’ classroom management. 3) For the further research we recommend to focus on how to help PE student teachers adapt to the teaching environment and handle the classroom faster, in order to improve the teacher professional development.
An Ecological Analysis of swimming instruction in elementary school Chen Lu-Hsien Lin Ching-Ping Abstract In recent times, most research of ecology of physical education focused on the dynamical process in the interaction between students and teachers. According to previous studies of ecology of physical education, if teachers have the ability to perform good interaction with students, it can improve the efficiency of task system. At the same time, teachers can do self-examination through the ecology of physical education. Moreover, teachers can improve teaching efficiency from students’ feedback and improve the teacher professional development as well. This study aims at discussing the ecology of physical education to help teachers clarify their teaching principles. We hope to help teachers design a teaching plan based on students’ reactions and also in accordance with both students’ needs and teachers’ goal, to provide a perfect ecology of physical education. Methodology: First, we adopted systematic observation to analyze the teaching clips. Second, based on the analysis results we provided teaching instructions for PE student teachers. Finally we provide the conclusion. Results: 1) PE student teachers spent too much time on classroom management and reduced time on teaching and students’ activity. 2) The intervention of teaching instructions improved PE student teachers’ classroom management significantly. Conclusion and Suggestion: 1) Opposed to other studies, our research observe that PE student teachers do not manage classroom well. They should be aware of the time arrangement in order not to delay the teaching pace. 2) Appropriate teaching instructions can help improve PE student teachers’ classroom management. 3) For the further research we recommend to focus on how to help PE student teachers adapt to the teaching environment and handle the classroom faster, in order to improve the teacher professional development.
教室生態, 游泳教學, 體育專長教師, Ecological Analysis, swimming teaching, physical education teacher