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Ching-Lan Tsai
Shrang-Kuang Chou

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Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies


網際網路繼報紙、雜誌、電視、廣播之後,已成為第五大媒體,已是不爭的事實。而網際網路中網路電台的興起,也逐漸引起網友及一般聽友的注意。 本論文主要目的為探討閱聽眾收播網路廣播電台影響因素。藉由實証研究,進一步地瞭解何種因素將影響閱聽眾再次收播網路廣播電台之意向,以提供給學界與業界一參考依據。本論文以科技接受模式為基礎,提出一修正後模型,來研究網路廣播特性中所提供的「功能延伸性」、「內容多元性」、「即時回饋性」、「閱聽方便性」、「閱聽自主性」對網路廣播電台接受度間關連性。研究結果顯示,在網際網路環境下,此模型能顯著地解釋閱聽眾對網路廣播電台的接受度。同時,網路廣播電台的「功能延伸性」、「內容多元性」是影響閱聽眾收播此網路廣播電台的一重要因素。因此,網路廣播電台經營者在提供網路廣播電台服務時,不僅需注意所提供內容的知識性、豐富性及即時性,同時要設計一個互動與個人化的收播環境,才能留住網路廣播電台上的閱聽眾。 當然網路廣播電台也有收播瓶頸,如僅AM的音質、傳輸易斷訊、上網收聽須付費、收聽習慣要培養、必須增加收聽配備、智慧財產權等問題。但隨著科技的進步,如頻寬的解決、無線上網的普及,結合其它科技產品(如3G)將可使網路廣播電台收播品質提昇,並創造新的經營模式。最後,本論文針對研究之結果,提出對業界和學界之意涵以及未來研究方向之建議。
It is an irrefutable fact that the internet has become the fifth powerful medium following by newspaper, magazine, television and radio. The emergence of the Internet radio has also aroused attention from Internet users andgeneral radio listeners. Ever since the appearance of Internet radio it has started to gain interest of its customers and listeners. Therefore, as the role of the Internet becomes indispensable for people, so does the need to access Internet radio. This dissertation, which contributes to the literature of this area, is based on the provided studies and investigation of the possible factors why Internet users accept Internet radio. In this essay, a revised technology acceptance model is proposed to explain why the Internet users accept Internet radio and how user¡¦s acceptance is affected by its features (i.e. Webcast characteristic of a Internet radio include extended function, multicontent, listening autonomy, real-time feedback, listening convenience, etc). The empirical results from the model significantly explained the behavior and environment of the usage of Internet radio. Furthermore, extended function such as multi-content feature are major affecting factor of why user's belief of such Internet radio, but whereas the real time feedback does not. This shows that Internet radio providers not only have to make the content more informative, bountiful, and timely, but they also need to design an interactive or customizing environment. Internet radio users are not interested in unnecessary business data such as Internet scales or the ease in responding question or not. Internet radio can also apply internetcharacteristics, but there are many barriers in applications such as poor quality of AM air wave, unstable transmission, extra access fee, listening habits, inefficient equipment, problems derived from Intelligence Property Right, and so on. With the development of technology that combined broadband and wireless, image and sound can be compres






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