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本研究主要探討目睹家暴兒少方案社工與家長工作的主觀經驗,除了瞭解社工與家長工作之重點,也分析目睹家暴兒少的社工與家長工作過程中遭遇的困境與因應方式,提供相關實務工作者作為參考。本研究訪談7位目前從事目睹家暴兒少的社工。研究結果發現: 一、目睹家暴兒少的服務內涵包含評估目睹家暴兒少身心安全、輔導目睹家暴兒少之創傷經驗、協助目睹家暴兒少家庭生活適應、終止代間暴力循環。 二、社工與家長工作的重點為預估及協助提升家長的親職能力,並促進親子互動。過程中透過與家長建立夥伴關係,陪伴家長整理其所面對的問題,引導家長同理目睹家暴兒少的情緒,協助家長提升對目睹家暴議題的認識,以及對兒少目睹家暴反應的理解。 三、社工與家長工作面臨的困難包括家長受困於家庭暴力、態度拒絕,難以討論兒少目睹家暴議題。因應做法主要是了解家長對家庭現況及親密關係暴力的因應,並且與網絡單位合作。最後,研究者針對制度層面、社會工作實務及未來研究提出建議。
This study mainly explores the subjective experiences of social workers working with parents whose children are exposed to domestic violence. In addition to identifying the focus of how social workers work with parents, as a reference for practitioners, the study also analyzes the dilemmas social workers encounter in the process and how they cope with them. In this study, seven social workers who working in the field of exposure to domestic violence are interviewed. The findings of the study are as follows: I. Social work services for children exposed to domestic violence include assessing their physical and mental safety, counseling their traumatic experiences, helping with their adaptation of family life, and ending family violence from generation to generation. II. The focus of social workers working with parents is to estimate their parental abilities, assist in improving them, and facilitate parent-child interaction. Through forming partnership with parents, social workers accompany them to sort out problems they face, guide them to empathize with their children, help them to raise awareness of the issue of exposure to domestic violence and understand the reactions to it. III. The difficulties social workers encounter in working with parents include parents still suffering from or being trapped in domestic violence and parents rejecting to discuss the issue of exposure to domestic violence. The ways to respond to these difficulties are understanding families’ current situation and parents’ response to domestic violence and also cooperate with networks. Finally, this study makes suggestions on institutional aspects, practice, and future research directions in social work concerning exposure to domestic violence.



目睹家庭暴力, 兒少, 家長, 社會工作, Exposure to domestic violence, Children exposed to domestic violence, Parents of children exposed to domestic violence, Social work





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