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本研究以宜蘭縣國中童軍團員為研究對象,探討童軍團長領導風格,對童軍團組織氣氛與童軍活動涉入程度之影響情形,進而根據研究結果提供童軍團長領導童軍團,以及推廣童軍運動之建議。 為達研究目的,本研究方法採取問卷調查法,研究工具「宜蘭縣童軍團長領導風格影響組織氣氛及活動涉入程度之研究」問卷,為修改自陳姿伶(2013)所編製之「台南縣國中童軍團長領導風格影響童軍團組織氣氛之研究」問卷,以及黃茱莉(2013)所編製之「國中學生參與學校童軍團模式」問卷;形成研究工具後,以宜蘭縣國中童軍為研究對象進行普查,問卷發放數為420份,實得有效樣本數為377份,有效回收率91.5%。蒐集之問卷資料以描述統計、皮爾森績差相關與多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,茲將研究結果分述如下: 一、宜蘭縣童軍團長交互運用轉化型及交易型領導風格帶領童軍團,讓多數國中童軍感受到正向積極的組織氣氛。 二、宜蘭縣男女童軍活動涉入程度皆很高,二年級童軍活動涉入程度高於一年級及三年級童軍。 三、宜蘭縣團長領導風格、童軍團組織氣氛與童軍活動涉入三者之間達顯著正相關。 四、宜蘭縣童軍團長領導風格與童軍團組織氣氛可預測童軍活動涉入程度。 五、宜蘭縣童軍團組織氣氛在團長領導風格對童軍活動涉入的關係上具有中介效果。 最後,本研究乃根據研究結論,提出建議供各校童軍團長及相關機構參考。
In this study, the members of the scout association of the junior high schools in Yilan County were studied to explore the impact of the scout leadership style on the group atmosphere of the scout assciation and the degree of the involvement of the scouts in the activities. This study further proposes the suggestions regarding leading a scout association and promoting scout activities for the scout masters. To achieve the goal of the study, the research adopted questionnaire survey method. The research tool, "The study on the impact of scout-masters’ leadership styles on group atmosphere and activity involvement in Yilan junior high schools" questionnaire is adapted from questionnaires of "The study of the impact of leadership styles of the scout-masters in Tainan County on the scout association atmosphere" (Chen, 2013) and "School Scout Association Participation Modes of Junior High School Students" (Huang, 2013). After the research tools were formed, the survey over the junior high school student scouts in Yilan County was conducted. The number of questionnaires issued was 420. The actual number of valid samples was 377, and the effective recovery rate of 91.5%. The collected questionnaires were analyzed with the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis methods. The results of this study are as follows: 1.The scout-master of Yilan County scout associations applied transformational leadership and transactional leadership styles alternatively so that most of the scouts in juinor high schools felt positive and aggressive group atmosphere. 2.The degree that male and female scouts involve in the activities is high. The degree of involvement of second grade scouts is higher than those of first grade and third grade scouts. 3.The leadership style of the scout-master, the atmosphere of the organization, and the degree of involvement of the scouts are positive relevant. 4.The leadership style of the scout-master and the atmosphere of the organization can predict the degree of involvement of the scouts in the activities. 5.The Yilan county group atmosphere has mediating effect on the relationship between the leadership style of the scout-master and the scouts' involvement in the activities. Finally, based on the conclusions of the research, we propose the suggestions for the scout-masters of the school and the related authorities.



童軍團, 童軍團長, 領導風格, 組織氣氛, 活動涉入, scouts, scout-master, leadership style, group atmosphere, activity involvement





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