隨著MICE產業(Meeting、Incentive、Convention和Exhibition)的興起,臺灣也積極舉辦並擴大辦理各類國際會議與展覽,每年由交通部觀光局指導、台灣觀光協會主辦之台北國際旅展更是年度的一大盛事。本研究段透過文獻回顧形成問卷題項,並藉由10位相關領域之專家建立問卷內容效度,並針對台北國際旅展參觀者和非參觀者進行前測問卷之信度分析。本研究旨在了解參觀者與非參觀者對於2016台北國際旅展之參觀動機、參觀阻礙及行為意向間的關係,其中針對參觀者增加「滿意度」此一構面。於四天旅展期間以立意抽樣之方式,針對參觀者共回收304份有效問卷;針對非參觀者進行線上問卷調查、共回收424份有效問卷。將參觀動機、參觀阻礙作為因果關係之前因變項,接著使用結構方程式模型 (structural equation modeling, SEM) 檢驗關係,以及拔靴法 (bootstrapping) 檢視中介效果。研究結果顯示參觀動機正向影響滿意度、參觀阻礙負向影響滿意度和行為意向,滿意度正向影響行為意向,而滿意度在參觀動機和行為意向間為完全中介、滿意度在阻礙和行為意向間為部分中介。本研究之結果將可以提供台北國際旅展策展相關單位,進一步對參觀動機強化及參觀阻礙因素消弭,及相關管理意涵建議。
The MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) Industry continues to thrive around the world. And Taipei International Travel Fair (ITF) is one of the largest events of its type in Asia. The questionnaire was constructed based on literature review. After being reviewed by experts from related industries and pilot-tested with attendees and non-attendees, the content was determined. This aims of study have threefold: (1) identify major motivations and constraints; (2) examine the relationship among those and satisfaction and behavior intention; (3) analyze the different results between attendees and non-attendees. There were 304 attendees’ questionnaires completedly, and 424 non-attendees’ online questionnaires completedly. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used in data analysis, proving that motivations affect satisfaction positively, constraints affect satisfaction and behavior intention negatively, and satisfaction affects behavior intention positively. Bootstrapping was used to examine the mediator, revealing that satisfaction is the full mediator between motivations and behavior intention, and is the partial mediator between constraints and behavior intention.The results are used as implications and advice to be offered to ITF organizers and exhibitors.
The MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) Industry continues to thrive around the world. And Taipei International Travel Fair (ITF) is one of the largest events of its type in Asia. The questionnaire was constructed based on literature review. After being reviewed by experts from related industries and pilot-tested with attendees and non-attendees, the content was determined. This aims of study have threefold: (1) identify major motivations and constraints; (2) examine the relationship among those and satisfaction and behavior intention; (3) analyze the different results between attendees and non-attendees. There were 304 attendees’ questionnaires completedly, and 424 non-attendees’ online questionnaires completedly. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used in data analysis, proving that motivations affect satisfaction positively, constraints affect satisfaction and behavior intention negatively, and satisfaction affects behavior intention positively. Bootstrapping was used to examine the mediator, revealing that satisfaction is the full mediator between motivations and behavior intention, and is the partial mediator between constraints and behavior intention.The results are used as implications and advice to be offered to ITF organizers and exhibitors.
旅展, 動機, 阻礙, 滿意度, 行為意向, Travel fairs, Motivation, Constraints, Satisfaction, Behavior intention