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本研究目的在於透過半結構深度訪談法與文件分析法,並利用「運動組織經營與環境理論」分析比較臺北市與臺中市各社區少棒隊經營與發展之異同,詮釋社區少棒隊興起的原因及社會意義。研究結果發現: (1) 政府長期推動棒球運動與媒體轉播賽事,造成各年齡層都有棒球愛好者,這是近年社區少棒隊興起的主因。 (2) 社區少棒的意義是多元且流動的,因時因地制宜,且各自表述。 (3) 社區少棒隊依照經營者理念與身分,可分為:競技型、公營推廣型、民營推廣型、伴兒型四類。而北中兩地的社區少棒隊受到各隊經營者身分影響,使臺中市球隊有結盟行為而臺北市則無;受到地方政府政策影響,兩地的伴兒型球隊在經營上皆遭遇到較大的阻力。 (4) 隨社會變遷與民眾價值觀的改變,政府競技取向的政策與民眾重視參與的價值觀不符,從過去的勝利主義,到現在被注入多元參與的觀念。
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the community baseball teams’ management and development of Taipei and Taichung city through documentary analysis, semi-structured interview in the perspectives of management and sanction of sports organization” theory. Results shows: (1) The rise of Senior League of community baseball can be attributed to the government and media in Taiwan making baseball become so popular that there are many baseball fans in different ages. (2) The core meaning of community baseball is different from one place to another, which might be changed by time or local conditions. (3) Community baseball teams could be separated into 4 types based on operators’ background and management philosophy: elite-compete, public-promote, private-promote, parents-participate. The difference between Taipei and Taichung’s community baseball teams is that there is alliance relationship in Taichung but not in Taipei based on the operator’s background. Furthermore, due to both Taipei and Taichung have been influenced by local government policy, the parents-participate teams confront much more constraints than others. (4) With the change of society and values, compare with government’s idea as raising the competition, participants are more interested in participation for the community baseball team.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the community baseball teams’ management and development of Taipei and Taichung city through documentary analysis, semi-structured interview in the perspectives of management and sanction of sports organization” theory. Results shows: (1) The rise of Senior League of community baseball can be attributed to the government and media in Taiwan making baseball become so popular that there are many baseball fans in different ages. (2) The core meaning of community baseball is different from one place to another, which might be changed by time or local conditions. (3) Community baseball teams could be separated into 4 types based on operators’ background and management philosophy: elite-compete, public-promote, private-promote, parents-participate. The difference between Taipei and Taichung’s community baseball teams is that there is alliance relationship in Taichung but not in Taipei based on the operator’s background. Furthermore, due to both Taipei and Taichung have been influenced by local government policy, the parents-participate teams confront much more constraints than others. (4) With the change of society and values, compare with government’s idea as raising the competition, participants are more interested in participation for the community baseball team.
社區, 社區運動, 運動與孩童, community, community sports, sports and children