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全球化時代,英語學習已經超越了單純的語言學習,培養學習者跨文化能力成為了重要的一環。根據十二年國民基本教育課程綱要,培養學生的文化理解能力是英語教學的重要目標之一,而台灣的英語教學主要以教科書為主, 因此教科書在英語教學中具有至關重要的地位,其中的文化內容除了涵蓋英語為母語的國家,也應包含本地和國際的文化知識。本研究探討分析新課綱龍騰版高中英語三冊教科書中文化內容的分佈, 採內容分析法分析資料,評量依據為趙子嘉(2011)的文化種類。本研究結果顯示:文化種類在冊別中的分佈為,無特定文化佔比最多;其次為其他國家文化、英美文化;中華文化佔比最少。其在課次中的分佈為,圖片佔比最多;閱讀與聽力涵蓋的文化比例相當。關於跨文化內容,僅有少部分的比例存在。整體而言,本地文化與跨文化內容在各方面的呈現明顯不足。最後,根據本研究結果,研究者針對高中英語教師以及出版社提出建議。
In the era of globalization, English learning has surpassed mere language acquisition and has become an important component in developing learners’ cross-cultural competence. According to the Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, cultivating students’ cultural understanding is one of the key objectives in English teaching. In Taiwan, English teaching mainly relies on textbooks, making them crucial in the language learning process. The content of these textbooks should cover not only English-speaking countries but also native and international cultural knowledge.This study examines and analyzes the distribution of cultural content in the three volumes of Lungteng English textbooks, based on the New Curriculum Guidelines. Content analysis is employed, with classification criteria adapted from Chao (2011).The findings reveal that the distribution of cultural types in the textbooks is dominated by “Universality Across Culture (UC)”, followed by “International Culture (IC)” and “Target culture (TC)”, while “Source Culture (SC)” is the least represented. In terms of textbook sections, Pictures account for the highest proportion, while Reading and Listening cover cultural content to a similar extent. However, there’s a limited proportion of content related to “Intercultural Interaction”.Overall, the presentation of SC and ICI is noticeably insufficient in various aspects.Lastly, based on the findings, the researcher provides some suggestions for high school English teachers and textbooks publishers.



英語教科書, 高中英語教科書, 文化內容, 教科書分析, English textbooks, Senior-high school ELT textbooks, Cultural content, Textbooks analysis





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