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本研究旨在探討合作學習教學法與精熟學習教學法應用在排球技能學習成就及學習反應之情形。為達研究目的,本研究採用不等組前後測設計的準實驗研究法。來探討合作學習教學與精熟學習教學對排球高手傳球技能的學習成就及學習反應的影響。本研究實驗樣本共計116人,其中實驗組58人,控制組58人,平均年齡19.34歲。在實驗教學前兩組皆先進行高手傳球技能與學習反應前測,實驗組依前測成績採異質性分組,每組7-8人。兩組所操作的變項為教學方法,實驗組採用合作學習教學;控制組採用精熟學習教學,進行八週的實驗教學之後隨即進行學習成就及學習反應的後測。兩組研究結果: 一、合作學習組(實驗組)與精熟學習組(控制組)在技能「學習成就」方面均有大幅進步達顯著差異(P<.05)。 二、精熟學習組(控制組)在技能「學習成就」方面進步成績明顯高於合作學習組(實驗組)達顯著差異(P<.05)。 三、合作學習組(實驗組)的「學習動機」與「班級氣氛」後測得分表現明顯高於前測高達顯著差異(P<.05)。 四、精熟學習組(控制組)的「學習動機」與「班級氣氛」後測得分表現稍微高於前測但未達顯著差異(P>.05)。 五、合作學習組(實驗組)的「班級氣氛」後測得分表現高於精熟學習組(控制組)達顯著差異(P<.05)。在「學習動機」後測得分表現稍微高於控制組但未達顯著差異(P<.05)。 由上述研究可以歸納,兩組學生經過實驗教學後,精熟學習組在排球技能學習成就表現優於合作學習組。學習反應在「班級氣氛」量表的表現,合作學習組優於精熟學習組之反應。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cooperative learning and mastery learning on volleyball skill learning and response. The quasi-experiment design was employed, which used unequal set arrangement. The learners were evaluated both before and after the learning of high hand passing skill. A total of 116 sample students were separated into two groups, of which 58 were in the experimental group, and 58 were in the control group. Cooperative learning method was used for the former group, and mastery learning method was used for the latter. Students in each group were further divided into smaller teams heterogeneously according to their pre-study evaluations. There was an average of 7 to 8 students in every team. Learning achievements and responses of these students were evaluated immediately after 8 weeks of the learning experiment. Our results show that: 1. Both the experimental and control groups showed significant improvement on their “learning achievements” (P<.05). 2. The “learning achievement” of the control group was significantly higher than the experimental group (P<.05). 3. Both the “learning motivation” and “class atmosphere” of the experimental group increased significantly after the learning experiment (P<.05). 4. As to the control group, their “learning motivation” and “class atmosphere” also increased, but did not reach the significance level (P>.05). 5. Both the “learning motivation” and “class atmosphere” of the experimental group are significantly higher than the control group after this learning experiment (P<.05). In conclusion, we found that the “learning achievement” of the control group was significantly higher than the experimental group. and the “learning motivation” and “class atmosphere” of the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group.



合作學習, 精熟學習, 學習成就, 學習反應, cooperative learning, mastery learning, learning achievement, learning response





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