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Over the past few decades, due to various challenges and changes, such as the rapid development of information technology, cost reduction, manpower constraints, rigid evaluation, and increased competition, numerous faculty and administrative staff members in higher education institutions have come to recognize the problems and stresses involved in the transformation of teaching methods, and the tasks of enhancing student learning outcomes and improving institutional performances. As a result, collaboration has gradually become a beneficial approach for employees in numerous universities to coping with these challenges and problems. This study considers that “collaborative culture” is the basis for faculty members and librarians to work together in a higher education institution, and the key to the long-term collaborative relationships and successful collaborative projects. However, few studies have mentioned the importance of collaborative culture in collaborations between faculty members and librarians, and few studies on the topic of faculty–librarian collaborative culture have been conducted by librarians or scholars in Taiwan or other regions in Southeast Asia. In light of this, five research purposes are proposed in this study. They are: (1) to discover the elements that can be utilized to construct the concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture; (2) to explore the value levels of faculty-librarian collaborative culture in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; (3) to understand the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; (4) to investigate the relationships among the background characteristics of faculty members and librarians, the levels of faculty-librarian collaborative culture, and the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; and (5) to compare the distinctions in faculty–librarian collaborative culture and the current development of faculty–librarian collaboration among different national cultural backgrounds, i.e., Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan in Asia. For this study, two survey questionnaires entitled “Faculty-librarian Collaboration Survey-- Librarian” and “Faculty-librarian Collaboration Survey-- Faculty” were designed and developed by the researcher to collect data. Due to the survey questionnaires should be distributed to different countries and areas in Southeast Asia region including Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan, each survey questionnaire has two language versions, Chinese and English. Basically, the questionnaire comprises three parts. The first part is demographic and background information, which includes seven question items designed to understand the personal characteristics of the respondents. The second part is Faculty-librarian Collaborative Culture Questionnaire (FLCCQ) with 38 question items. The third part is composed of five question items to explore the perceptions and/or experiences of faculty members and librarians regarding current development of faculty-librarian collaboration, including the reasons for developing collaborations, the methods for developing collaborative relationships, the models for implementing collaborative projects, success factors and difficulties for conducting collaborative projects between librarians and faculty members. Finally, an open-ended question is designed at the end of the third part to ask the respondents to talk about their personal experience in faculty-librarian collaborative projects. An online survey tool, Survey Monkey, was used to collect data via internet in this study. In order to get as many replies as possible, the researcher actively asked scholars, professors, publishers and librarians in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan for helping distribute the questionnaires from December 2015 to May 2016. 612 respondents answered the online questionnaire in total. However, 132 responses were highly incomplete. That resulted 480 valid responses in an overall valid response rate of 78.43% for this study. The quantitative analysis of the final questionnaire was conducted using the SPSS 23.0 by several statistical analysis methods, such as descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, principal component analysis, varimax rotation technique, Scheffe’s test and regression analysis, etc. This study explored seven key elements that can represent the content and concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture and developed a Likert scale-based “Faculty-librarian Collaborative Culture Questionnaire (FLCCQ)” to measure the levels of collaborative culture valued by faculty members and librarians. The seven elements are: (1) Organizational Collaborative Environment, (2) Mutual Benefit and Responsibility in Collaboration, (3) Collaborative Commitment, (4) Collaborative Leadership, (5) Mutual Understanding and Communication, (6) Mutual Respect and Trust, and (7) Collaborative Relationship and Interaction. In addition, this study found that the responding faculty members and librarians among different regions of Southeast Asia such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan exhibited statistically significant differences in the levels of value regarding faculty-librarian collaborative culture and demonstrated the distinctions of their perceptions and/or experiences toward the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration. In general, the concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture has probably accepted by the faculty members and/or librarians in Thailand and Taiwan slightly more than those who are in Singapore and Hong Kong. Moreover, the current faculty-librarian collaborations seem to have a better development in Thailand and Taiwan than in Singapore and Hong Kong. Finally, there are a number of implications and suggestions proposed by the researcher in accordance with the results of this study for the future development of faculty-librarian collaborations in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan. On the other hand, the researcher believes that mutual respect, mutual trust, and effective communication and interaction between faculty members and librarians are the basis for developing faculty-librarian collaborative relationships. In addition, successful faculty-librarian collaborations rely on a powerful sense of mission from librarians and a strong desire from faculty members. Furthermore, mutual benefit is the best incentives to encourage faculty members and librarians to collaborate with each other. Finally, organizational collaborative environment, such as leaders’ support and institutional commitment (e.g. administrative formal policies and incentive rewards) needs to be improved most in order to create a faculty-librarian collaborative culture in the higher education institutions of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan.
Over the past few decades, due to various challenges and changes, such as the rapid development of information technology, cost reduction, manpower constraints, rigid evaluation, and increased competition, numerous faculty and administrative staff members in higher education institutions have come to recognize the problems and stresses involved in the transformation of teaching methods, and the tasks of enhancing student learning outcomes and improving institutional performances. As a result, collaboration has gradually become a beneficial approach for employees in numerous universities to coping with these challenges and problems. This study considers that “collaborative culture” is the basis for faculty members and librarians to work together in a higher education institution, and the key to the long-term collaborative relationships and successful collaborative projects. However, few studies have mentioned the importance of collaborative culture in collaborations between faculty members and librarians, and few studies on the topic of faculty–librarian collaborative culture have been conducted by librarians or scholars in Taiwan or other regions in Southeast Asia. In light of this, five research purposes are proposed in this study. They are: (1) to discover the elements that can be utilized to construct the concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture; (2) to explore the value levels of faculty-librarian collaborative culture in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; (3) to understand the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; (4) to investigate the relationships among the background characteristics of faculty members and librarians, the levels of faculty-librarian collaborative culture, and the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan; and (5) to compare the distinctions in faculty–librarian collaborative culture and the current development of faculty–librarian collaboration among different national cultural backgrounds, i.e., Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan in Asia. For this study, two survey questionnaires entitled “Faculty-librarian Collaboration Survey-- Librarian” and “Faculty-librarian Collaboration Survey-- Faculty” were designed and developed by the researcher to collect data. Due to the survey questionnaires should be distributed to different countries and areas in Southeast Asia region including Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan, each survey questionnaire has two language versions, Chinese and English. Basically, the questionnaire comprises three parts. The first part is demographic and background information, which includes seven question items designed to understand the personal characteristics of the respondents. The second part is Faculty-librarian Collaborative Culture Questionnaire (FLCCQ) with 38 question items. The third part is composed of five question items to explore the perceptions and/or experiences of faculty members and librarians regarding current development of faculty-librarian collaboration, including the reasons for developing collaborations, the methods for developing collaborative relationships, the models for implementing collaborative projects, success factors and difficulties for conducting collaborative projects between librarians and faculty members. Finally, an open-ended question is designed at the end of the third part to ask the respondents to talk about their personal experience in faculty-librarian collaborative projects. An online survey tool, Survey Monkey, was used to collect data via internet in this study. In order to get as many replies as possible, the researcher actively asked scholars, professors, publishers and librarians in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan for helping distribute the questionnaires from December 2015 to May 2016. 612 respondents answered the online questionnaire in total. However, 132 responses were highly incomplete. That resulted 480 valid responses in an overall valid response rate of 78.43% for this study. The quantitative analysis of the final questionnaire was conducted using the SPSS 23.0 by several statistical analysis methods, such as descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, principal component analysis, varimax rotation technique, Scheffe’s test and regression analysis, etc. This study explored seven key elements that can represent the content and concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture and developed a Likert scale-based “Faculty-librarian Collaborative Culture Questionnaire (FLCCQ)” to measure the levels of collaborative culture valued by faculty members and librarians. The seven elements are: (1) Organizational Collaborative Environment, (2) Mutual Benefit and Responsibility in Collaboration, (3) Collaborative Commitment, (4) Collaborative Leadership, (5) Mutual Understanding and Communication, (6) Mutual Respect and Trust, and (7) Collaborative Relationship and Interaction. In addition, this study found that the responding faculty members and librarians among different regions of Southeast Asia such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan exhibited statistically significant differences in the levels of value regarding faculty-librarian collaborative culture and demonstrated the distinctions of their perceptions and/or experiences toward the current development of faculty-librarian collaboration. In general, the concept of faculty-librarian collaborative culture has probably accepted by the faculty members and/or librarians in Thailand and Taiwan slightly more than those who are in Singapore and Hong Kong. Moreover, the current faculty-librarian collaborations seem to have a better development in Thailand and Taiwan than in Singapore and Hong Kong. Finally, there are a number of implications and suggestions proposed by the researcher in accordance with the results of this study for the future development of faculty-librarian collaborations in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan. On the other hand, the researcher believes that mutual respect, mutual trust, and effective communication and interaction between faculty members and librarians are the basis for developing faculty-librarian collaborative relationships. In addition, successful faculty-librarian collaborations rely on a powerful sense of mission from librarians and a strong desire from faculty members. Furthermore, mutual benefit is the best incentives to encourage faculty members and librarians to collaborate with each other. Finally, organizational collaborative environment, such as leaders’ support and institutional commitment (e.g. administrative formal policies and incentive rewards) needs to be improved most in order to create a faculty-librarian collaborative culture in the higher education institutions of Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan.
協作, 協作文化, 館員, 教師, 大學, 新加坡, 香港, 泰國, 臺灣, collaboration, collaborative culture, librarian, faculty, university, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan