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為了探討校園鳥類救傷宣導課程對國小學童知識、態度的影響,本研究採準實驗研究法,以雲林縣二所小學三至六年級共420名學童為樣本,其中包含實驗組210人、控制組210人。實驗組接受二次晨間活動時間的宣導課程(共80分鐘),本鳥類救傷課程內容結合了保育教育、動物福利教育及生命教育;而控制組則未接觸鳥類救傷之相關活動。由研究者自編問卷以蒐集學童對鳥類救傷認知與態度的量化資料,再以內容分析方式探討學生學習單內容、教師觀察教學的回饋及訪談教師紀錄,以了解學童在接受課程之後,對於不同情況下,拯救傷鳥的意圖及理由。 從問卷結果顯示,實驗組學童確實因宣導課程的介入,使得其對鳥類救傷的知識與態度有顯著的成長。此外,研究結果亦發現:年級及飼養(鳥類)經驗的有無並不會直接造成學習成效上的差異,但女生在知識上表現則優於男生。從內容分析結果顯示:人道的關懷為學童鳥類救傷行動的起始行為,學童並具有以生命為中心的思維;而在談論未來能從事的救傷工作中,學童能提出具體的動物福利的操作方法;在外來種野放問題上,以動物福利的需求為考量大過於生態保育的主張;最後在面對實際的救傷工作時,學童能應用學習到的鳥類救傷原則,但對於救傷工作仍感信心不足。 本研究建議:未來宜針對老師的救傷工作能力進行增能,成為學童救傷行動中的諮詢窗口;可鼓勵師生一起參與救傷的行動;在學校教育推廣方面,可結合環境教育在校園鳥類育雛期及氣候不穩定的時節進行全校性的宣導。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of bird first aid course on the attitude and knowledge of elementary students. The study adopted a quasi-experimental study method. A total of 420 students from grade 3 to grade 6 of two elementary schools in Yu Ling County were recruited as the study sample; including 210 of the students were in the experimental group and the other 210 students were in the control group. The Experimental Group received the courses in two morning-activity time, total is eighty minites, whereas the Control Group received none. The promotional course integrated conservation education, animal welfare education, and life education. The bird first aid knowledge and the attitude scales were designed and used in pre and post test of the program. The author adopt content analysis to get students’ intention and their reasons when they meet various situation written in the learning sheets, teachers’ feedbacks on the bird first aid program.,. The results showed that Experimental Group, in contrast to the Control Group, had a significant improvement in their knowledge of bird first aid as well as their attitude. In addition, the study also found that the grade level and the experience of raising pet bird have no impact on the learning outcomes, but girls in general showed a better knowledge-related performance than the boys did. The descriptive data revealed that the students’ humanitarian care, and they possess a life-centering ethics. The students dedicated to bird first aid in the future, the students could propose concrete animal welfare operations. For issues on releasing non-indigenous species, the students showed more consideration of the animal welfare than ecological conservation claims. Last, when actually performing the first aid, the students could apply the bird first aid principles they had learned, even though they still felt unconfident about the task. The study suggested: school teachers’ competence in bird first aid could be enhanced, so that they could become the ones providing answers to students. Secondly, both students and teachers could be encouraged to join the first aid actions and conduct relative courses. Third, these activities can be integrated into the environmental education as a school-wide program during the brood time of birds or the period with unstable weather.



鳥類救傷, 教育宣導, 動物福利教育, 鳥類保育, bird first aid, educational promotion, animal welfare education, bird conservation





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