
dc.description.abstract家庭是人類生活中最早、最直接接觸的一個社會團體,父母教導子女學習,協助他們成長、提供支援,增加他們社會適應能力,對子女的認知、情緒、心理、社會等各方面的發展,具有決定性的影響力;故本研究目的在於瞭解此階段的國小學生參與休閒的現況,並探討臺北市國小學童家長社經地位及休閒態度對國小學童休閒參與的相關情形。 本研究以臺北市立國民小學就讀之中年級學童及其家長為研究對象,共發放問卷750份,回收問卷600份,有效回收率為80%。將回收後的問卷,以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因數變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、典型相關等進行資料處理與分析。研究結果發現如下:一、受訪臺北市國小學童家長以女性、與學童關係為母親身份者居多。其中職業為專業人員佔多數,家長教育程度大部分為高中職以上,年收入為100萬以下的家庭佔多數。二、臺北市國小學童家長休閒態度均高,學童休閒參與類型以媒體型居多、體能型最少。三、本研究發現國小學童家長性別、婚姻狀況、年齡的不同對休閒態度無影響差異,戶籍所在地屬於發展較好地區、與學童關係為父母、具有高職業、高學歷、高收入的學童家長休閒態度較高。四、本研究發現國小學童家長性別、婚姻狀況、與學童的關係對學童休閒參與之影響無差異;國小學童家長戶籍在經濟較好的地區、年齡較大的家長、高職業、高教育程度及高收入的學童家長對於學童休閒參與的影響較大。五、國小學童家長休閒態度與學童休閒參與呈顯著正相關性;並且以休閒態度之情感、行為、認知,對國小學童休閒參與之即興型、媒體型、藝文型影響最大。 基此,本研究建議國小學童家長可以通過提高自身的休閒態度,採用正確的引導方式,多鼓勵學童參與球類體能型運動,藉以增加國小學童休閒參與頻率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe family is a social group which is the earliest and most directly touched in the human life. The parents instruct the sons and daughters to learn, assist them in growing, provide support, enhance their social adaptability, and have decisive influence on the development of every aspect of the sons’ and daughters’ cognition, emotion and psychology and society. So, the research objective was to understand the leisure participation status of the elementary school pupils at this stage and to explore the influence of the socioeconomic status and leisure attitude of the elementary school children’s parents in Taipei City on the leisure participation of the elementary school children. The study used the school children in the middle grade who study in the Taipei municipal elementary school and their parents as the research object. The study sent out 750 questionnaires and recovered 600 questionnaires with 80% of the valid recovery rate. The study engaged in the data processing and makes an analysis of the recovered questionnaires with a descriptive statistic analysis, an independent sample t- test, one- way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and canonical correlation. The findings were as follows: 1. Most of the interviewed elementary school children’s parents in Taipei City are females, whose relationship with the school children is their mothers. The occupation of the professional accounts for the majority, most of the parents’ education level is senior high school /vocational senior high school or above, and the families with yearly revenues less than NT$ 1 million account for the majority. 2. All of the leisure attitude of the elementary school children’s parents in Tiapei City are high. The most popular leisure participation type of the school children is the media type, and the least popular one is the physical fitness type. 3. The study found that the diffrence of the gender, marital status and age of the elementary school children’s parents has no influence difference on the leisure attitude. The leisure attitude of the school children’s parents whose household register location belons to a developing better area, whose relationship with the school children is their parents and with a high occupation, a high educational background and high revenues is higher. 4. The study found that the influence of the gender and marital status of the elementary school children’s parents and the relationship with the school children on the leisure participation of the school children is indifferent. The household register of the elementary school children’s parents in an economically better area, the parents at an older age, the school chilren’s parents with a high occupation, a high education level and high revenues have greater influence on the leisure participation of the school children. 5.The leisure attitude of the elementary school children’s parents and the leisure participation of the school children show a significantly positive correlation. The emotion, behavior and cognition of the leisure attitude have the greatest influence on the improvisation, media, and art and literature type of the leisure participation of the elementary school children. Pursuant to this, the study suggests the elementary school children’s parents adopt the correct pilot operated system through the enhancement of self leisure attitude to encourage the school children to participate in the physical fitness type of the ball game sports by means of which to increase the leisure participation frequency of the elementary school children.en_US
dc.subjectsocioeconomic statusen_US
dc.subjectleisure attitudeen_US
dc.subjectleisure participationen_US
dc.subjectelementary school childrenen_US
dc.titleResearch of the influence of the socioeconomic status and leisure attitude of the elementary school children’s parents in Taipei City on the leisure participation of the elementary school childrenen_US

