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本研究分為三部分,第一部分先探討圖文書的本質、功能與發展演變;第二部分則由結構主義、敘事理論和心理學的角度討論繪本中圖與文的關係、創作者與作品的關係,以及作品與讀者的關係,最後再分析文字與圖畫的敘事方法,整理出敘事結構的應用方法進行創作。文獻分析首先就各類型的圖文書進行定義,整理插畫書、圖畫書、繪本、成人繪本與圖文書的相對關係與發展流變,再就圖文書的文本進行內容上的探討,以語言學與符號學的角度分析敘事文本的訊息內容,運用結構主義方法分析敘事文本的組成結構,最後由心理學的角度探討符號象徵對敘事者與讀者建構敘事文本再現世界的影響。研究方法利用文字的敘事學,分析故事情節的各種組合方式與不同敘述的視角,再整理圖像的敘事語言,成為構成繪本故事的系統元素,建構圖文書的敘事結構進行創作。創作主題為”being”, 有存在、生存、生命的意思,還有生命體本質的意思─以此為題就像是在探討生命存在於世界的目的,以及身為生命體對自己本質的反思─自己與內心的對話。本研究利用結構的方式連結繪本文字與圖像的敘事,分析出兩者的對應關係,並從心理的角度探究繪本的主題對建立敘事的影響,以及讀者的閱讀背後的動機,由內容(象徵意義)與形式(組合原則)整理出創作繪本的方法。
There are three parts in this research. The first part is to explore the essence, function and evolution of picture books. The other is to explore the relationship between the text and pictures in picture books, the relationship between creators and works, and the work with their readers based on structuralism, narrative theory and psychology. Finally, wish to analyze the narrative method of text and pictures, sort out the application of narrative structure in creation. The literature analysis firstly defined the various types of picture books, and showed the relationship and the development of picture books, including illustration books, picture books and adult picture books. Then I tried to analyze the text of picture books based on Linguistics and Semiotics, using the structuralism to analyze the composition of the narrative text. I also explored that the symbols of the narrator construct a narrative text with the readers to reproduce the impact of the world from a psychological point. Analysis of various combinations of story and narrative perspective, sorting the narrative language of the image to be the elements that constitute a picture book, then construct a graphic narrative structure of the book creation.The creation of “being”, means to exist, to survive, and the meaning of life. The title is like to discuss the purpose of life and the essence of reflection- dialogue between oneself and the mind. In this research, I make use of the structure method to show the connection between text and images. And I showed the corresponding relationship between them. Meanwhile I discussed the impact of theme of the picture books on establish the narration from the psychological point of view, and the motivation of readers behind, to organize the creation way of picture books by the content(symbolic) and form (principles of combination).



繪本, 成人繪本, 圖文書, picture books, adult picture books, 圖文書





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