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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education National Taiwan Normal University
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education National Taiwan Normal University
本研究目的旨在了解難孕婦女透過病友經驗分享,獲取與治療相關知識後對其治療期間所產生之影響進行初步探討。研究方法採個案研究,透過深度訪談對10名曾經歷過難孕治療的婦女進行資料蒐集,以質性分析軟體NVIVO 10進行資料分析。研究結果發現難孕婦女的學習動機是為了能與醫師溝通,透過網路自主學習,利用候診時間與其他病友交流而促進相關知識的理解,具體影響則是具有選擇適合自己醫師之能力,且能夠與醫師溝通、討論、參與治療方式,更能以正向態度積極面對治療。另外,難孕婦女相信擁有共同經歷及目標之病友,所提供的資訊及建議具有可用性及建設性。本研究初步了解難孕婦女具有學習與其治療相關的知識需求,如能透過專業教育工作者協助,促進需求者對於疾病照護之健康知能;或透過基層衛生主管機構協助(如各地衛生中心)開辦衛生教育活動,協助病友促進自我健康行為及正向能量。
This study investigated the influence of health knowledge on 10 infertile women by employing a qualitative approach to gain an in-depth and holistic understanding of them. The women were interviewed, and their data were analyzed using the NVIVO 10 software. It was determined that these subjects’ desire to communicate with their doctors motivated their learning. They studied on the Internet and exchanged information with other patients. This provided the women with the ability to choose doctors that most suited their needs. They also discussed the treatments with their doctors and thus perceived the treatments more positively. Moreover, they believed that the information and suggestions given by other infertile women were valuable and constructive. This study showed that infertile patients have a need to learn more about their treatments. This can be accomplished by professional educators and by increasing the patients’ health literacy. Associated sessions can also be held by public health centers to further educate infertile women.
This study investigated the influence of health knowledge on 10 infertile women by employing a qualitative approach to gain an in-depth and holistic understanding of them. The women were interviewed, and their data were analyzed using the NVIVO 10 software. It was determined that these subjects’ desire to communicate with their doctors motivated their learning. They studied on the Internet and exchanged information with other patients. This provided the women with the ability to choose doctors that most suited their needs. They also discussed the treatments with their doctors and thus perceived the treatments more positively. Moreover, they believed that the information and suggestions given by other infertile women were valuable and constructive. This study showed that infertile patients have a need to learn more about their treatments. This can be accomplished by professional educators and by increasing the patients’ health literacy. Associated sessions can also be held by public health centers to further educate infertile women.