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壹、 研究對象之行為模式多屬A型行為模式。
貳、 研究對象之憂鬱傾向多為高、中憂鬱傾向
參、 研究對象的「性別」與「入學方式」,與「行為模式」間,則有其關聯性。
肆、 研究對象的背景變項在行為模式上,並無差異情形。
伍、 研究對象的「系別」與「憂鬱傾向」間,有其關聯性。
陸、 不同「入學方式」的研究對象在憂鬱傾向上,有其差異情形。
柒、 行為模式與憂鬱傾向的分數間,具有顯著相關。
捌、 行為模式對憂鬱傾向,具有預測意義;且研究對象的行為模式分數愈高,憂鬱傾向分數愈高。
The objective of present study is to examine the relationship between behavior pattern and depression tendency in freshmen of National Normal University. A survey was conducted to examine population change in the society, behavior pattern, how they affect depression tendency, in particular, the correlations among the three and how well behavior pattern predicts depression tendency. The results of current study are as follows: 1. Most freshmen were categorized as Type A behavior pattern (TABP). 2. Most freshmen have medium or high level of depression tendency. 3. Student’s gender and various types of admission to college were correlated with their behavior pattern. 4. No significant difference on was found between background variables and behavior pattern of freshmen. 5. Correlation was found between freshmen majors and their depression tendency. 6. The significant difference on was found between the various types of admission to college of freshmen. 7. Behavior pattern was highly correlated with depression tendency. 8. The higher the behavior pattern score, the higher the depression tendency. A deeper understanding of college freshmen’s behavior pattern and depression tendency will help college administrators to design programs to improve students learning, college life and mental health which in turn will facilitate personal growth and self development.
The objective of present study is to examine the relationship between behavior pattern and depression tendency in freshmen of National Normal University. A survey was conducted to examine population change in the society, behavior pattern, how they affect depression tendency, in particular, the correlations among the three and how well behavior pattern predicts depression tendency. The results of current study are as follows: 1. Most freshmen were categorized as Type A behavior pattern (TABP). 2. Most freshmen have medium or high level of depression tendency. 3. Student’s gender and various types of admission to college were correlated with their behavior pattern. 4. No significant difference on was found between background variables and behavior pattern of freshmen. 5. Correlation was found between freshmen majors and their depression tendency. 6. The significant difference on was found between the various types of admission to college of freshmen. 7. Behavior pattern was highly correlated with depression tendency. 8. The higher the behavior pattern score, the higher the depression tendency. A deeper understanding of college freshmen’s behavior pattern and depression tendency will help college administrators to design programs to improve students learning, college life and mental health which in turn will facilitate personal growth and self development.
大一新生, 行為模式, 憂鬱傾向, Freshman, Behavior pattern, Depression Tendency