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桌球運動中來球與動作之間的週期關係是一種時宜表現,可能會影響比賽勝負,且存在截斷性動作的速度與準確性的消長。莊國良與劉有德 (2017) 以球與球拍之三維資料計算出時宜表現 (Tp) 提供簡易的評估值,但這樣的評估方式,尚未有足夠之相關研究。桌球正反抽球動作研究多是在控制嚴謹的單一練習情境下探討,且較少探討球與球拍的時宜表現。競技運動練習目的是為了比賽,因此了解練習情境下所蒐集資料是否可以反映在比賽情境相當重要。此外,以高速攝影機結合軟體分析時宜表現較為精確,但若能以一般攝影機結合觀察員紀錄辨識分析比賽中時宜表現,則能提高時宜表現應用價值。本研究以三部份分別探討(1)在單球練習情境下檢驗不同層級選手面對不同來球旋轉使用正反手抽球之時宜表現是否有差異。(2)在模擬比賽中收集之抽球時宜表現是否與練習情境下有差異。(3)高速攝影機及一般攝影機所計算之時宜表現是否一致。招募大專院校之甲、乙組桌球選手各10名進行正反手桌球抽球練習。練習結束後繼續以模擬賽方式蒐集選手抽球時宜表現,並利用高速攝影機及一般攝影機拍攝之影片計算其時宜表現。結果顯示不同層級選手面對不同來球旋轉會有抽球表現上之差異。比賽與練習之差異反映出情境要求及層級經驗的影響。最後,一般攝影機應可提供一定程度之時宜表現辨識基礎。本研究提供一個簡易可行的時宜表現測量方式,並嘗試建立練習與比賽相關檢驗之程序。未來建議競技運動之研究結果,應嘗試於練習及比賽中進行相關檢驗,以提供更多運動科學知識給研究員、體育老師、教練、選手以及運動相關人士。
The periodic relations between ball and bat in table tennis may represent timing performance that is tied closely to the result of each point in competition, and demonstrates the speed-accuracy tradeoff inherent in interceptive actions. The novel way of measuring timing performance on table tennis drive was first introduced by Chuang and Liu (2017), the method, however, has not yet been extensively explored. While most of literatures on table tennis drive treat only in block practice condition, there have been few attempts to establish a direct relationship between ball and bat in terms of timing performance. The purpose of practice and drills is to win the games. Therefore, it is important to identify the data collected in the practice condition can reflect the game situation. In addition, the application value of the timing performance may be significantly increased if a trained analyst can use the video recorded from a 30 fps camera to analyze the timing performance instead of using movement data derived from the multiple high-speed camera system. The propose of this study was therefore threefold: (1) examining the performance of the table tennis drive in the controlled laboratory condition; (2) examining the performance of the players in simulated table tennis matches; and (3) comparing timing performance derived from high-speed cameras (200fps) and 30-fps camera. Ten advanced and ten intermediate table tennis players were recruited from universities and performed forehand and backhand table tennis drives under normal drill conditions followed by a simulated match play. The high-speed-cameras system and a 30 fps camera were used for data collections. The results showed the significant difference on driving performance from player levels and approaching ball characteristics. The differences between drill and matches indicated the task requirement and experience effects. Finally, data collected from the 30-fps camera provided suitable basis for analyzing timing performance. The study demonstrated a promising way to measure timing performance, and established appropriate procedure for testing in drills and matches. Results of sport science research should be further tested in both drills and matches in order to offer applied knowledge for researchers, PE teachers, coaches and athletes.



時宜表現, 桌球, 正手抽球, 反手抽球, timing performance, table tennis, forehand drive, backhand drive





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