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大腦處理語言與音樂的關係長久以來已有許多文獻,目前既有的研究多是以西方語言閱讀者為主,對於節奏感與閱讀識字的關係在中文閱讀脈絡下尚待研究證實。本研究主要探究中文閱讀困難兒童音樂節奏、聲韻覺識與閱讀表現之間的關係。共包含兩個子研究,研究一以中文閱讀困難兒童與一般兒童為受試者,蒐集行為測驗與腦磁波的資料進行比較,在行為資料方面採用獨立樣本t檢定比較兩組受試者的聲韻覺識與音樂能力的差異,並透過相關分析探討聲韻覺識、音樂表現與閱讀能力之關係;腦磁波則透過腦磁儀(MEG)蒐集受試者大腦對於音樂節奏的反應,採用無母數置換t檢驗分析兩組受試者事件相關磁場之差異。研究二以中文閱讀困難兒童為介入對象,透過音樂節奏遊戲指標篩選,選取合適的節奏遊戲進行節奏訓練,採用單一受試研究法中的多試探設計進行成效分析。研究結果如下: 一、中文閱讀困難兒童聲韻覺識和音樂知覺與節奏表現明顯不如一般兒童,表示中文閱讀困難兒童除了有聲韻覺識缺陷外,音樂節奏知覺與節奏表現也有困難。 二、在排除年齡與智商後,節奏表現仍顯著與識字相關。 三、中文閱讀困難兒童大腦對於音樂節奏感的腦磁波反應與一般兒童有顯著上的差異,特別是P3am在組間有顯著差異。 四、音樂節奏遊戲能提升中文閱讀困難兒童之節奏知覺與聲韻覺識表現。   綜合本研究結果,研究者對於未來研究與教學上,針對中文閱讀表現、聲韻覺識、音樂節奏感之關係與中文閱讀困難兒童的音樂節奏訓練上提出建議。
Existing literature has argued that processing of language and music shares similar and overlapped resource. However, this phenomenon is still controversial and not yet properly studied in Chinese-reading context, specifically in children with Chinese reading difficulties (RD). This quantitative research aimed to explore the relationships among musical rhythm, phonological awareness (PA), and reading. Two series of studies were included. Study 1 recruited Chinese children with RD and chronological age (CA) children and used independent sample t-test to investigate the difference of PA and music abilities between groups. In Study 1, Pearson correlation method was adopted to examine the relationship among those variables. Meanwhile, the electrophysiological response of musical rhythm was detected in this MEG experiment and permutation t-test was used to compare the event-related field (ERF) of two groups. In Study 2, only Chinese children with RD were recruited and multiple-probe design was adopted to explore the training effects of musical rhythm game screened by the valid index. The results of Study 1 and 2 are as follows: 1. Children with RD performed significantly poorer in PA and musical abilities than CA children. The results confirmed that Chinese children with RD showed significant deficits not only in PA but also in music perception and rhythm production. 2. After controlling age and IQ factors, rhythm production was strongly related to Chinese character reading. 3. The brain responses of RD children were significantly weaker than CA children, especially in the event-related field, namely, P3am. 4. RD children with the training of musical rhythm game showed positive effects in processing musical rhythm perception and the performance of PA. Two implications, related to theory and teaching practice, are noted in the conclusion. For the theoretical part, this study sheds a new light over the complicated relationship between reading, PA, musical perception, and rhythm production. For the educational part, the results suggest a new solution how to make better musical perception training for those children with reading difficulties.



閱讀困難, 聲韻覺識, 節奏感, 事件相關磁場, 音樂節奏遊戲, Reading difficulties, Phonological awareness, Musical rhythm, Event-related field, Musical rhythm game





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