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  本研究為了瞭解新北市國民中學運動代表隊選手人口背景、參與動機與阻礙因素的現況,並比較不同人口背景的選手在參與動機與阻礙因素的差異情形。透過自編問卷,採便利抽樣方式進行調查,總計得到442份有效問卷。之後再以描述性統計、探索性因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較與皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 一、新北市國民中學運動代表隊選手大致以「男性」選手佔多數(62.9%);年級以「三年級」人數最多(39%),「二年級」次之(33.2%);最佳運動比賽成績以「全市前六名」人數最多(40%);學業成績以「59分以下」人數最多(34.5%);父母兩人每月薪水總收入情形以「四萬元以下」比例最高(36.9%);最多人參與的項目為田徑(25.6%);最少人參與的項目為撞球(2%)。  二、新北市國民中學運動代表選手的參與動機排名前五項為:「加入校隊可以增進運動技術」、「加入校隊可以學會新的運動技術」、「加入校隊能比別人多一項才能」、「加入校隊可以讓我享受運動方面的樂趣」、「加入校隊對以後升學有幫助」。 三、新北市國民中學運動代表選手的阻礙因素排名前五項為:「我認為政府不重視校隊」、「我擔心課業成績會退步」、「我覺得校隊比賽經費不足」、「我覺得校隊訓練太累太辛苦」、「我覺得讀書與練習時間相衝突,無法兼顧」。 四、不同「運動種類」的新北市國民中學運動代表隊選手,在參與動機上有顯著差異。 五、不同「年級」、「最佳運動比賽成績」、「運動種類」,在阻礙因素上有顯著差異。 六、新北市國民中學運動代表隊選手參與動機與阻礙因素之間有顯著的負相關。
This study was to understand the current status of background, barriers and participation motives of sports team players in New Taipei City, and to compare the difference between participation motives and barriers of different demographic factors via questionnaires. Convenience sampling methods were applied for the investigation, and 442 questionnaires were valid. Descriptive statistics analysis, exploratory factor analysis, independent sample t-test, independent sample one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method and Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation are used to analyze these data. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Male players of junior high sports teams are the majority(62.9%), the largest group is the 9th grade(39%), the second largest group is the 8th grade(33.2%), the best performance achievement in the top 6 teams of New Taipei City dominated at most(40%), and the scores of the students’ academic achievement tests were mostly below 59 points(34.5%), the highest proportion of student parents’ monthly salaries were below $40,000 NTD(36.9%). The highest participation of students is from the team of track-field(25.6%) and the least participation of students from billiards(2%). 2.The top 5 participation motives includes: (1) skill improvement, (2) new technique learning, (3) extra sports skills, (4) fun, and (5) good for high school application. 3.The top 5 barriers includes: (1) governmental ignorance of school sports teams, (2) failure of academic performance, (3) inadequateness of team financial support, (4) overload training, and (5)conflicts between training and studying. 4.There is a significant difference of participation motives in sports teams. 5.There are significant differences of barriers in grade, best performance, and sports team. 6.There is a significant negative relation between participation motives and barriers of junior high school sports team players in New Taipei City.



運動代表隊, 參與動機, 阻礙因素, Sports team, participation motives, barriers





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