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本研究旨在探討台灣原住民族群的招呼語應用及命名系統。本研究主要包含兩種測驗 : 第一測驗為招呼語應用測驗,可得知原住民族群在不同情況下,針對不同人物所使用的招呼語差異 ,情境效應亦融入在此測驗中; 第二測驗為命名系統測驗,可得知不同族群的原住民的命名模式及姓名是否存在意義上的差別。兩測驗皆探討其背後反映的文化背景。本研究對象包含十二名大學生,其年齡介於十九至二十五歲,依其所屬族群分為阿美族、布農族、賽德克族,以及三位原族民老師其年齡介於五十三至六十一歲,按所屬族群亦劃分為上述三原住民族群。 第一份研究結果顯示,台灣原住民依照對象年齡改變其招呼語之應用。針對不同年齡層對象使用不同的招呼語表達對其尊敬與親密程度。其中,表達親屬關係之招呼語最為廣泛運用。對於台灣原住民而言,舉凡部落裡的族人,其他部落的原住民,乃至非原住民族群,表達親屬關係之招呼語皆可展現原住民對見面對象的尊敬與友好之情。再者,在不同情境下所使用的招呼語存在差異。在公眾場合,原住民選擇使用工作頭銜或部落頭銜表達莊重。此外,第二份研究結果顯示,台灣原住民其命名系統乃繼承族內受尊敬之長輩抑或家中受尊敬之長輩姓名,以傳承其偉大精神以及表達對其的尊重。並且,在三族群當中,姓名亦可反映孩童的長幼順序。長子及長女可繼承家中爺爺或奶奶的姓名,其餘孩童則按出生順序依序繼承其他長輩的姓名。因此,台灣原住民姓名大多數不具含義。然而,在原住民女性姓名中,三族群亦可發現某些女性姓名指涉大自然事物。
The present study investigates the forms of address and anthroponymic systems of three Taiwan aboriginal groups. The study employs questionnaires and interview methods to acquire information on forms of address and naming systems of three groups—Amis, Bunun, and Seediq. In particular, it examines aboriginals’ choice of address to people in different contexts and the meaning encoded by aboriginal names, if any. Towards this end, a total of twelve university students aged from nineteen to twenty-five were recruited and three aboriginal tribal teachers were also recruited for the study. Results on the study of address forms indicate that the age of addressee is a major factor in determining the choice of address forms for the three groups. Notably, kinship terms are used often to show deference and intimacy to others, including aborigines within the same tribe, aborigines from other tribes, and even non-aboriginals. Also, the selection of address forms changes in formal and informal situations. The use of titles or tribal titles is used in formal situation. Results on naming practices reveal the naming pattern of three aboriginal groups. First, children are named after esteemed elders in the tribe or family members. By inheriting the names of these elders, aborigines show respect to them and pass down their spirits to the younger generations in the tribe. Also, primogeniture rule dominates the aboriginal society in which the first-born child has the right to be named after their grandparents. Some children are named after other elders based on their birth orders and nature-denoting names are common among female names. In general, however, names of aborigines from the three tribes do not encode specific meanings.



招呼語, 命名系統, 台灣原住民, 人名學, Forms of address, Naming patterns, Taiwan aboriginals, Anthroponymic systems





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