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學習的目的在於主動去探索求知,此時,注意某一事物乃是關鍵,繼而才能開始進行學習。由於注意力缺陷過動症兒童在持續性注意力的程度上明顯較同年齡的一般兒童差,有時還伴隨過動的症狀,因而造成他們產生適應問題。本研究主要目的在探討身體活動課程對注意力缺陷過動症學童注意力之集中度、持續度的影響,以及身體活動課程撤除後注意力的維持程度的影響。研究對象為台中市某私立國小三位注意力缺陷過動症學童。本研究採用單一受試實驗模式(Single-subject research design)中A-B-A倒返設計(A-B-A reversal of withdrawal designs),實驗設計包括基線期、介入期和維持期,並運用參與觀察及文件收集等方式進行資料之蒐集,介入期參與者接受連續十天,每次三十分鐘的中等強度負荷(65%~75%)身體活動。課程依據國小學童之動作能力,設計多元化且具趣味性的身體活動課程。研究工具包括威斯康辛卡片分類測驗(Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, WCST)、注意力不專注行為觀察紀錄表以及訪談大綱。本研究結果顯示,在WCST前後測分數、注意力不專注行為觀察紀錄表,以及從家長和導師的訪談資料當中得知,三位個案在身體活動課程介入後注意力的集中度以及持續度皆有明顯的改善。而在身體活動課程撤除後,注意力之集中度與持續度又有回升的情況。因此,身體活動課程能有效提升注意力缺陷過動症學童注意力之集中度與持續度,且在身體活動課程撤除後,注意力之集中度與持續度並無維持效果。
The purpose of learning is to take the initiative to explore knowledge. Therefore, being continuously attentive to certain things is the key point to begin learning. Since ADHD children have a lower level of sustained attention than normal children, with hyperactivity symptoms at times, they often face adjustment problems. The main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of physical activity programs on the concentration and persistence of ADHD children. The participants were three ADHD students who enrolled in a private elementary school in Taichung. This study used A-B-A reversal of withdrawal designs of single-subject research design. The experimental design includes baseline, intervention, and maintenance stages. The intervention continues for ten days, with 30 minutes of moderate intensity (65~75%) physical activity program each time. The programs are based on the motor abilities of elementary children. Data was collected through participative observation and literature review. Moreover, the research tools included Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST), inability to focus behavioral record form and interview outline. The results of this study showed that this physical activity program can effectively improve concentration and persistence of ADHD children. However, after removal of physical activity program, the effect could not sustain.
The purpose of learning is to take the initiative to explore knowledge. Therefore, being continuously attentive to certain things is the key point to begin learning. Since ADHD children have a lower level of sustained attention than normal children, with hyperactivity symptoms at times, they often face adjustment problems. The main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of physical activity programs on the concentration and persistence of ADHD children. The participants were three ADHD students who enrolled in a private elementary school in Taichung. This study used A-B-A reversal of withdrawal designs of single-subject research design. The experimental design includes baseline, intervention, and maintenance stages. The intervention continues for ten days, with 30 minutes of moderate intensity (65~75%) physical activity program each time. The programs are based on the motor abilities of elementary children. Data was collected through participative observation and literature review. Moreover, the research tools included Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST), inability to focus behavioral record form and interview outline. The results of this study showed that this physical activity program can effectively improve concentration and persistence of ADHD children. However, after removal of physical activity program, the effect could not sustain.
注意力缺陷過動症, 身體活動, 注意力, ADHD, physical activity, attention span