

本研究以屏東縣來義中學國中部與麟洛國中,原住民與漢族群籍七年級的青少年學生為對象,透過繪畫能力、美術性向測驗與訪談問卷等方式,藉以比較討論原住民與漢族群學生在繪畫表現能力(主題表現、構圖、技法、空間創意以及符號運用)與美感判斷能力(點線面造型要素、形式原理與視覺效果、美術作品美感判斷及色彩感覺)之表現。 本研究的主要發現如下: (一)在繪畫表現能力方面: 1、整體看來,原住民青少年學生在作品中,繪畫表現能力優於漢族群青少年學生。 2、原住民與漢族群青少年在繪畫表現能力會因族別上的差異而有所不同。 3、原住民青少年學生在藝術作品的表現上,會呈現圖騰符號或傳統文化的生活經驗,有受其族群生活習慣的影響,而將其文化特色融入作品中的偏好。 4、原住民青少年學生對於自己在繪畫表現的能力上,抱持認同態度的人數較漢族群學生為多。 (二)在美感判斷能力方面: 1、原漢青少年學生對於自我美感表現能力抱持認同與不認同態度者的人數相當。 2、原漢青少年在顏色偏好上沒有顯著差異,常用的顏色有四種是相同的顏色,分別為藍、綠、紅、黑。 3、在造型取向來源裡,明顯感受漢族群青少年視覺文化已受網際網路動態影像的刺激影響,但原住民青少年在其視覺文化的經驗中,似乎仍然以靜態書籍、畫冊為主要繪畫造型取向來源。 4、在族別差異對藝術的影響中發現,原漢兩組學生在藝術上沒有族群偏見的問題。 5、在美感判斷能力上,原住民青少年與漢族群青少年之間沒有顯著差異。
The purpose of this study was to make comparisons on the expressiveness of the drawing abilities which include subject expression and aesthetic judgments between the aboriginal adolescence and the Han adolescence by conducting drawing ability test , an aptitude test of art , interviews and questionnaires on the seventh-grade students of the aboriginal adolescence and the Han adolescence from Lai-Yi Senior High School and Lin-Lo Junior High School in Ping-Tung County . The main findings of this study are listed below: Ⅰ. The aspect of expressiveness of drawing abilities: 1. On the whole the aboriginal adolescence show better drawing abilities in their works than the Hans . 2. Drawing abilities vary from the difference of ethnicbackground between the aboriginals and the Hans . 3. The aboriginal adolescence prefer to emerge their cultural characteristics into their works , presenting symbolic signs and living experiences of traditional culture , influenced by their ethnic customs . 4. Aboriginal adolescence take a greater attitude of identity than the Hans in showing their drawing abilities . Ⅱ. The aspect of aesthetic judgments: 1. The numbers of students of the aboriginals and the Hans , holding positive and negative attitude of identity equilibrate in terms of the ability of self-aesthetic expression . 2. There is no difference between the aboriginals and Hans in their preference of colors . Among the most frequently adopted colors , blue , green , red , and black are commonly and simultaneously used by both . 3. Regarding the origin of sketch-orientation , it is evident that the stimulation of animated image on the Internet has a great impact on the image culture of the Hans adolescence , while the aboriginals adolescence still remain dependent on static books, and painting for their sketch origin . 4. Artistically , there is no ethnic bias on the effect of art from ethnic difference . 5. In the ability of aesthetic judgments , there is no obvious difference between the aboriginals and the Hans .



原住民, 漢族群, 青少年, 繪畫表現, 美感判斷, aboriginal, the Han, adolescence, drawings, aesthetic judgments





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