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資訊爆炸時代,資訊作為研究主題始終是研究的熱點。和圖書館一樣需要處理龐雜資訊並提供諮詢的智庫的角色越發重要。智庫最寶貴的是思想產出,但是一般人並不瞭解這些結論和成果是如何產生的。人們可能僅僅通過它的傳播管道知道,但無從判斷這些觀察和結論可不可信,無法確定它的預測。選擇智庫的研究與社會議題互動這一個面向來觀察,有助於知曉它的研究和主張是如何得出的。因此,本研究希望探討在機構宗旨和研究員學科背景之外,研究員是如何設定研究主題的。 本研究以傳知行社會經濟研究所作為研究對象,使用內容分析法和論述分析法對它的37期線上出版物《學術通訊》和媒體文本(新聞、讀者投書、微博)進行探索研究。 結果發現研究員在研究主題選擇上與媒體報導的議程緊密相關。66篇研究文章基本上都找到對應的新聞事件。本身就是研究員研究領域的「稅收、醫療、教育、出租車行業和公共工程」也是社會的熱點議題。此外,媒體的議程設置也影響主題選擇,成為研究員寫作的緣由和資訊蒐集渠道之一。 其次,被研究員選作分析對象的社會事件/話題呈現出與實際生活關照、易傳播和難解決的特徵。一方面,研究員根據不斷重複出現的話題而寫;另一方面,這些話題側重屬地性和延續性,比如,稅收貫穿了5年的《學術通訊》,其他主題(如醫療、農村未成年人教育、出租車行業)則出現在別的刊物中。 最後,因為沒有審查,傳知行在研究主題的選擇和寫作上擁有比媒體大的自由度,可以挑選較為冷門、不具有傳播效果的主題。同時,研究文章因為研究員的長期追蹤而比新聞報導看得更新和更深。研究員亦有意挑戰佔據主導的官方論述和社會上根深蒂固的認知。後續研究可以針對智庫的出版物進行大數據的量化分析和以介入的方式對機構內部的運作和人員進行研究。
Information as a research theme keeps hot in this era. The role of Think Tanks which analyse data and provide advices like a library becomes more and more important. A Think Tank’s core value is its publication but few people know about the process. The public may hear from the observation and conclusion through a Think Tank’s propaganda with questions and uncertainties. Therefore, choosing the perspective of the interaction between research of a Think Tank and social issues is helpful to explore the research process in the organization. This thesis expects to know how researchers set research themes except for the aim of the Think Tank and researchers’ academic background. It targets Beijing Transition Institute with content analysis and discourse analysis to study the relationship between its 37 digital publications “Academy Newsletter” and media text including news, comments and weibo. Firstly, it found there is a close relation between the research themes and media reports. The relative news events reported by media can be found based on 66 research articles in “Academy Newsletter”. Meanwhile, topics of “Taxation, Health Care, Education and Infrastructure” as researchers’ fields are hotspots in society. The agendas on media also influence researchers’ choices which cause the writing motivations and form sources. Secondly, social events/topics as research themes are easy to diffuse but hard to solve. One hand, researchers write these topics constantly. On the other hand, these topics present agency’s preference. For example, taxation is the only research topic in the series of newsletter. Lastly, research themes in institute have more spaces and developments than media agendas without censorship. Researchers intend to challenge the dominated official discourses and the deep-rooted cognition in society. The further study can focuses on quantitative analysis on publications of think tanks and qualitative analysis on researchers within organizations.



智庫, 研究, 議題, 互動, Think Tank, Research, Social Issue, Interaction





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