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先秦時代的人們透過觀察日常天候與地上萬物的消長,制定節氣,便於農民從事農業生產活動。早在春秋時的民間歌謠《詩經‧秦風》記載:「蒹葭蒼蒼,白露為霜。所謂伊人,在水一方。」時值白露,秋水天長之際,岸邊蘆葦蓊鬱,引發心中所思。詩歌透露的訊息,正是古人對於節氣與日常生活密切聯繫的示現。詩歌發展至唐代為一巔峰時期,在國力富強、經濟蓬勃的推波助瀾之下,文化兼容胡風胡樂,節慶活動變得更加盛大。四萬八千九百餘首的《全唐詩》,提供了春秋兩季的節氣詩許多豐富的史料,從《全唐詩》中蒐索春秋兩季的節氣詩歌,以民俗學觀點釐析出其中的文化意涵。本論文探究的方向聚焦在唐代節氣詩的多重文化意涵上,在這些作品中可以找到四個文化特質:順天應時的天人和諧之道、慎終追遠與言志抒懷、應制酬唱以吟詠節氣、休閒娛樂的遊藝活動等四個文化面向,經由梳理唐代節氣詩的文化層面後再重新審視,以期能更立體、全面地去觀看唐人生活的風貌。本論文章節架構: 首先第一章緒論說明研究動機與目的,並確立研究範圍,以《全唐詩》為主,並 參酌王重民的《補全唐詩》。接著探討歷年來相關的文獻與回顧,以及說明本論文的 研究方法與步驟。 其次介紹節氣及探討節氣文化內涵,並概述中國最早的農事曆書《夏小正》及秦 漢前後到唐代的歲時曆,接著說明唐代社會文化景況,是繁盛的社會文明,對文學普 遍崇拜的現象。 第三、第四章詳論從立春到穀雨,與立秋到霜降,共十二個節氣的物候。以《月 令七十二候集解》及《七十二候考》列出個節氣的物候現象。每個節氣舉出三至四首 相關唐詩,並探討詩的內涵,與詩中所述相關的節俗活動,進一步追溯唐代史籍中相 關的記載,從中深入探析關於節氣詩的文化意涵。 第五章討論詩中多元的文化面相:順天應時求天人和諧之道、言志抒懷與慎終追 遠、應制酬唱以吟詠節氣,及休閒娛樂之遊藝活動。 最後第六章結論則將唐代春秋兩季的節氣詩做整體歸納的論述,並展望未來尚未 被探討的研究範疇。
People in the pre-Qin era observed the daily weather and the ups and downs of everything on the earth. Formulate solar terms to facilitate farmers to engage in agricultural production activities."Lush reeds sprinkled with autumn frost, the one I miss is on the shore " recorded in the folk song "The Book of Songs Qin Feng" as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. The message revealed by the poem. That's exactly the ancients' display of the close connection between solar terms and daily life. Poetry developed to its peak in the Tang Dynasty, fueled by the prosperity of the country and the booming economy, culturally compatible with northern Hu people’s music and cultural style. Festivalsbecome more grand. More than 48,900 poems of the" Whole Tang Poems", provides many rich historical materials for solar terms poems of the spring and autumn, analyze the cultural meaning of solar terms poems from the perspective of folklore. The research direction of this thesis focuses on the multiple cultural implications of the solar term poems in the Tang Dynasty. Four cultural characteristics can be found in these works: The way of harmony between heaven and man, respect and worship the ancestors and express their will, compose poems to celebrate the solar terms, leisure and entertainment activities. Review the cultural aspects of the solar term poems in the Tang Dynasty, to show a more three-dimensional and comprehensive view of the life within the Tang Dynasty.



唐代, 節氣, 詩歌, 文化, Tang Dynasty, Solar terms, Poetry, culture





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