以共同邊界模型評估運動品牌 Instagram 經營績效

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影像內容為主的社群媒體成長非常快速,而 Instagram 已經擁有超過 10 億的使用者, 因此對品牌而言,評估在 Instagram 上的行銷績效十分重要。然而 Instagram 的相關研究較少,且評估社群行銷績效時,多以追蹤人數或互動率評估。Nike 及 adidas 為世界前 兩大的運動鞋與服飾品牌,皆以不同的品牌經營模式,推出風格及針對不同客群的品牌,並經營 Instagram 品牌帳號。本研究目的為評估 Nike、Jordan Brand 和 Converse,及adidas 與其副品牌 adidas Originals 在 Instagram 上的貼文績效。另比較互動率評估方 法與共同邊界資料包絡分析法 (metafrontier data envelopment analysis, MDEA) 之差異, 且為品牌於 Instagram 經營策略提出建議。本研究根據品牌貼文受歡迎理論,以生動程 度、交互性、文字數、輪播圖卡數作為投入變數,按讚數、留言數為產出變數,蒐集2019 年至 2021 年 Nike、Jordan Brand、Converse、adidas 及 adidas Originals 在 Instagram 上發佈的所有貼文之數據,以差額變數為基礎的 MDEA,計算各個貼文的共同技術比率 (meta-technology ratio),並以單因子變異數分析各品牌互動率及共同技術比率之差異。研究結果發現以互動率分析品牌貼文績效會有巨大誤差,應以品牌貼文受歡迎理 論並採用 MDEA 分析貼文績效。經本研究分析比較,Nike 多品牌家族表現較佳,adidas 主副品牌策略績效未達效果。本研究建議運動品牌應精簡貼文投入內容,以少量字數及輪播圖卡數吸引使用者與貼文互動,以提高效率。未來研究可擴大品牌領域及 貼文範圍,做更深入全面的評估分析。
Social media with visual-based content has been growing rapidly. Instagram, one of the most popular social media, already has over one billion users. However, there are relatively fewer studies about performance on Instagram, and most of the studies evaluate social media performance by account followers and post engagement rate. On the other hand, Nike and adidas implement different brands management strategies and manage Instagram accounts accordingly. This study aims to evaluating Instagram posts performances of Nike, Jordan Brand, Converse, adidas, adidas Originals, and to compare metafrontier data envelopment analysis with engagement rate method. Based on brand post popularity theory, this study collected Instagram posts data of Nike, Jordan Brand, Converse, adidas, adidas Originals from 2019 to 2021, and adopted four inputs (vividness, interactivity, text length and number of photos/videos) and two outputs (number of likes and number of comments) for slacks-based metafrontier data envelopment analysis, calculating meta-technology ratio, and comparing the differences among the brands with One-way ANOVA.This study found that evaluating the brands posts performance by engagement rate would have great discrepancy. Hence, using MDEA with brand post popularity model is a preferred method to analyze the posts efficiency. As for the brands comparison, Nike’s house of brands has a better performance, while adidas’s sub-brand strategy performs undesirably. Future research can increase the sample size, and cover more brands and consider fields of brands as moderator.



Instagram, Nike, adidas, 品牌, 共同邊界模型, 資料包絡分析法, Instagram, Nike, adidas, brand, metafrontier, data envelopment analysis





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