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本研究旨在探討小兒麻痺症者休閒參與、休閒阻礙與休閒需求之現況,並分析不同背景變項的小兒麻痺症者休閒參與、休閒阻礙與休閒需求的差異及上述三者間的關聯性。本研究運用問卷調查法,採研究者自編之「小兒麻痺症者休閒參與、阻礙與需求問卷」為研究工具,針對全臺灣小兒麻痺症者進行抽樣調查。發出問卷300份,回收問卷289份,有效問卷268份。並利用 1.敘述性統計之次數統計、百分比統計平均數、標準差;2.無母數檢定之魏氏-曼-惠特尼考驗(Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney)、克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析(Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by rank)、3.平均數差異檢定之t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、4.皮爾森積差相關檢定等統計方式進行說明、分析與比較。 本研究之重要結論摘述如下: 1.受試者平均每週參與休閒活動的時數為47.19小時。參與時數由多到少依次為娛樂放鬆類、資訊取得類、情感交流類、運動類及藝術類最少。此外參與戶外活動類的時間平均每月0.48天。 2.受試者在休閒阻礙問卷中僅有「環境資源/支援因素」得分高於3分,為受試者認為確實對個人造成休閒阻礙之因素。至於「個人因素」、「他人互動因素」、「生態環境因素」類別得分的離散程度高,顯示不同受試者參與休閒活動中個人自覺之休閒阻礙程度不一。此外,「他人態度」因素的平均得分為2.49分,顯示多數受試者不認為「他人態度」是造成休閒阻礙的重要因素。 3.受試者在休閒需求問卷中所有需求類別之單題平均得分皆高於3分。其中在「休閒需求總分」、「套裝休閒方案設計」、「無障礙硬體設施/設備」、「素養提昇與體制建構」等項目中更高於4分。顯示受試者在以上類別之休閒需求仍處於尚未滿足之狀態。 4.男性受試者的休閒參與時數高於女性受試者,且休閒阻礙總分較女性低。此外,不同「年齡層」、「職業類別」、「教育程度」、「家戶月收入」、「婚姻狀況」不同的受試者對「每週參與休閒活動總時數」無具體差異,但各類型休閒活動時數的差異則達到顯著水準。 5.「教育程度」、「家戶月收入」、「婚姻狀況」不同的小兒麻痺症受試者休閒阻礙總分無具體差異,但各類型休閒阻礙得分的差異則達到顯著水準。 6.「職業」、「教育程度」、「家戶月收入」、「婚姻狀況」、「肢體障礙等級」「使用輔具狀況」不同的受試者在各類型休閒需求得分差異達顯著水準。 7.本次研究研擬的休閒阻礙問卷與需求問卷在「阻礙總分」與「人際支持需求」、「他人互動」阻礙與「人際支持需求」及「專業休閒服務需求」、「環境資源/支援」阻礙與「需求問卷總分」、「套裝休閒方案設計」中都有中度相關。顯示受試者的休閒阻礙及其自覺休閒需求確有相關性存在。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,提供小兒麻痺症族群、政府部門、民間團體與後續研究者參考。
The purpose of the research is discussing poliomyelitis patients’ leisure participation, leisure constraints, and leisure demands. Moreover, the differences and correlations of such three factors were analyzed for poliomyelitis patients in different contexts. Questionnaire investigation was adopted in this research to develop the instrument, Questionnaire of Poliomyelitis Patients’ Leisure Participation, Leisure Constraints, and Leisure Demands and sample Taiwanese poliomyelitis patients. 289 of 300 sent questionnaires returned and 268 questionnaires were valid. There are several statistical methods used including descriptive statistics (times, percentages, means, and standard deviation), Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by rank, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's product-moment correlation. In summary, the research results are: 1.The participants in average took part in leisure activities for 47.19 hours per week. They spent more hours on certain leisure activities such as entertainment, information acquirement, emotional interaction, sport, and art. Overall, outside activities occupied their leisure time for 0.48 day per month. 2.The questionnaire of leisure constraints shows that only in the factor of environmental resources/support which was deemed as a cause of leisure constraints by the participants, they scored it over 3. As for the factors of individual, interaction with others, and ecological environment, the scores dispersed highly that presents the degree of leisure depended on the participants’ self-consciousness. Furthermore, the score of the factor of others’ attitude was 2.49 that appears most participants did not take it as an important cause of leisure constraints. 3.In the questionnaire of leisure demands, all factors were scored over 3. Among the factors, the sum score of leisure demands and the factors of leisure projects, barrier-free facilities, and advance and system construction were even scored over 4. It shows that such leisure demands of the participants were not satisfied still. 4.The male participants spent more hours on leisure and got lower scores on leisure constraints than the female participants. Additionally, there was no significant difference in the hours of weekly leisure participation among the participants with different ages, jobs, educational levels, monthly family incomes, and marital statuses. However, the significant difference showed in the hours of diverse leisure activities. 5.There was no significant difference in the sum score of leisure constraints among the participants with different educational levels, monthly family incomes, and marital statuses. However, the significant difference appeared in the scores of diverse leisure constraints. 6.There was a significant difference in the scores of diverse leisure demands among the participants with different jobs, educational levels, monthly family incomes, marital statuses, degree of disability, and utilization of assistive technology. 7.In the questionnaire of leisure constraints and leisure demands, the sum score of leisure constraints was significantly correlated with the score of demand for interpersonal support; the score of interaction with others was significantly correlated with the scores of demand for interpersonal support and demand for professional leisure service; the score of the constraint of environmental resources/support was significantly correlated with the sum score of leisure demands and the score of leisure projects. As can be seen from the results, there was certainly a correlation between the participants’ leisure constraints and self-conscious leisure demands. According to the research results, some suggestions are provided to poliomyelitis patients, government agencies, civil societies, and future researchers and for their reference.



小兒麻痺, 休閒參與, 休閒阻礙, 休閒需求, poliomyelitis, leisure participation, leisure constraints, leisure demands





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