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大學之通識教育課程非常重要,可以培養「完整的人」,是一種「全人教育」。其中,經濟教育是大學通識教育中一個重要的主題,也與公民教育之成功與否關係密切。而在臺灣北部各國立大學對所有大專院校具有重大之影響力與指標作用,因此,非常值得深入研究。具體之研究目的除了對於通識經濟教育相關研究文獻等進行探討與評析之外,主要還包括五大面向研究目的,並針對此相關研究文獻、五大面向與其中三十四個子項之研究問題進行深入研究。 本博士論文在資料收集與分析等方面兼採文獻分析法、質的研究與量的研究等研究方法,經由文獻探討、訪談與問卷調查等收集與探討研究資料,詮釋、批判與統計方法等分析研究資料,深入研究臺灣北部各國立大學通識教育中經濟教育課程內涵與實施等各種問題與其未來發展之情形。最後得出本研究之結論與建議,如下: 1.根據相關研究文獻的探討發現,通識經濟教育課程或其他通識教育課程,應該與各學系的專業課程一樣重要。 2.根據相關研究文獻的探討發現,通識經濟教育之研究較其他通識教育課程少,而且通識經濟教育課程較其他專業課程與通識教育課程少受到重視。 3.本研究探討與評析16個通識經濟教育理論,這些理論大多數可以做為通識經濟教育之理論基礎。 4.根據本研究針對臺灣北部各所國立大學之文件資料分析,發現各校通識經濟教育課程之一般實施情況有差異存在,而且較其他一般通識課程弱勢。 5.根據本研究針對臺灣北部各所國立大學之教育行政人員訪談分析,發現各校通識經濟教育課程之組織等實施情況、認知與態度有差異存在。 6.根據本研究針對臺灣北部各所國立大學之教師訪談分析,發現各校通識經濟教育課程之教師教學實施情況、認知與態度有差異存在。 7.根據本研究針對臺灣北部各所國立大學之學生問卷調查與統計分析,發現各校通識經濟教育課程之學生學習情況、認知與態度有差異存在。 8.是以在清楚各校相關政策與實施情況,以及教育行政人員、教師與學生等各方面的認知與態度之後,必須針對通識經濟教育進行改革,以培養大學生成為真正具備基本經濟知識的現代理想公民。
General education is very important in university. It can teach undergraduate student to become a “holistic man” and it is a manhood education. And it can also help student get all round and diverse knowledge, etc. The main purpose of this research is to inquire curriculum content and practice of general economic education in northern Taiwan universities. This study had inquired and researched many theses, documents, five dimensions and 34 problems of general economic education. This dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy employed documental analysis, qualitative research method, and quantitative research method to investigate and analyze the general economic educational curriculum content and practical problems of northern Taiwan universities. This study has discovered some findings including several important conclusions and concrete suggestions. The results of this study were concluded: 1. From the studies and analyses of many researches, general economic educational curriculum or other general educational curriculum must be as important as other professional educational curriculum. 2. But the quantities of studies and the concentrations of general economic educational curriculum were fewer than professional and other general education. 3. This study had analyzed sixteen general economic education theories and it had also found that these theories could improve general economic education. 4. From the documents of northern Taiwan universities, researcher can understand the different practices of general economic education in northern Taiwan universities. And the concentrations of general economic education were fewer than other general education. 5. From the interviews of staffs of center for general education in most northern Taiwan universities, researcher can understand the different organizational practices, cognitions, and attitudes of general economic education in northern Taiwan universities. 6. From the interviews of teachers, researcher can understand the different teaching practices, cognitions, and attitudes of general economic education in northern Taiwan universities. 7. From the studies of the questionaire and analyses of statistics of students, researcher can also understand the different learning practices, cognitions, and attitudes of students of general economic education in northern Taiwan universities. 8. So, educational policies and practices of universities must be reformed and that the cognitiive and attitudinal changes of staffs, teachers, and students of the general economic education are very important things. And from the results and suggestions of study of this dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy, students of northern Taiwan universities and other undergraduate students can become really ideally modern citizens of having basic economic concepts.



國立大學, 經濟教育, 通識教育, 通識經濟教育, 公民教育, 課程內涵, 課程與教學, National University, Economic Education, General Education, General Economic Education, Civic Education, Curriculum Content, Curriculum and Teaching





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