

隨著外食人口的增加,餐飲競爭激烈,行銷扮演著舉足輕重的角色。在二十一世紀的今天,行銷的重點正在轉移為保有舊顧客。而且 Heskett、 Sasser 及 Hart(1989)指出開發新顧客的成本,高達維繫舊客戶成本的五倍,因此留住顧客便成為一重要課題。 本研究在探討消費者的人格特質與沒對業者抱怨的原因及期望的鼓勵措施之間的關係,其人格特質是採用Costa和McCrae(1989)五大人格特質(Big Five)來分類,並以便利抽樣方式選取217份樣本,利用SPSS11.5軟體進行信度檢定、描述性統計、因素分析、多變量變異數分析及相關分析。 本研究所獲的的具體結論為:1.大部分消費者沒對業者抱怨的原因都是屬於消極退縮型,排序前五名分別是:不想掃興、避免麻煩、避免引起其他客人注意、體諒業者辛苦及有長輩貴賓在場不方便。2.餐廳服務失誤與沒對業者抱怨中個人特質型原因有顯著差異;餐廳服務失誤與及期望的鼓勵措施之間是無顯著的差異性。3.順心性人格特質的消費者與沒對業者抱怨中消極退縮型的原因有顯著相關。4.消費者人格特質與期望的鼓勵措施之間,不論是主動鼓勵法或被動調查法,大部分是顯著的相關。5.消費者沒對業者抱怨中消極退縮型的原因與期望的主動鼓勵措施之間有顯著相關。 本論文研究結果可協助業界了解消費者沒對業者抱怨的原因,並善用鼓勵措施的優先排序,因而能與消費者之間不僅建立並且維持良好關係--提高消費者之忠誠度及塑造良好之口碑。
As eating-out customers increase rapidly, marketing plays an important role in the food and beverage industry. Nowadays, the focus of marketing has shifted to how to retain old customers from how to attract new ones. Heskett, Sasser and Hart (1989) pointed out that the cost of earning a new customer is five times of keeping an old one. It is, therefore, essential to explore effective ways in keeping the customers’ royalty. This research explored the relationship of the expected encouragement strategies in the restaurant to customer’s non-complaint reasons and personality. Costa& McCrae’s (1989) Big Five scheme was adopted to analyze and categorize the non-complaint customer’s personality characteristics. 217 samples were collected through convenience sampling method. The following statistical tests were adopted to analyze the data, Reliability Analysis, Descriptive statistics, Factor Analysis, GLM-Multivariate and Pearson Correlation with the SPSS 11.5 software. The study found the following. First, most of the non-complaint customers can be categorized as having negative style behavior and the first five reasons for them not to file complaints are not to spoil pleasure, to avoid making trouble, to avoid bothering other customers, to consider the difficulties the restaurant owners may encounter, and to avoid the inconvenience of complaining in front of the elders or the VIPs. Second, service failures have a significant relationship with the causes of non-complaint reasons and yet, no differences were observed between service failures and the expected encouragement strategies. Third, only Agreeableness customer personality has significant correlation with the causes of non-complaint reasons that are categorized as negative style behavior. Fourth, the relationship between the customers’ personality and the expected encouragement, either active or passive, is significantly correlated. Finally, the non-complaint customers who posses the negative style behavior personality significantly expected active encouragement strategies from the restaurant. The results of this study could assist the restaurant owners to understand the reasons for the customers not to file complaints and accordingly, to be better able to provide different encouragement strategies in a proper way. The reported findings can also help the restaurant owners to establish and maintain a good relationship with their customers, which can further enhance the loyalty of the customers and build up their own reputation in the field.



不抱怨, 人格特質, 鼓勵措施, non-complaint, personality, encouragement strategy





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