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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本文旨在探討生態中心論之意義並分析其對建構生態教育學理論架構之啟示。教育學之研究與發展應配合時代脈動,對今日生態危機有所回應,因此本文試圖探討生 態中心論之意義並探討其教育蘊義,以促使教育學典範進行生態轉向--生態教育學。 本文首先探討生態中心論的主要論述,包括深層生態學思想、靈性生態學以及建設性後現代主義,以評析生態中心論論旨,其次探討生態中心論之教育涵義,由 此發展出生態教育學之基本架構,並探討生態教育學從理論到實踐之可能限制。本文探討生態教育學從理論到實踐之潛能與限制,以促使教育典範產生生態轉化,以 落實教育革新。
Through historical approach and philosophical analysis this paper attempts to explicate the doctrines of ecocentrism with a view to constructing an ecopedagogy in response to contemporary ecological crisis. First of all, the main doctrines of ecocentrism including deep ecology, spiritual ecology and constructive postmodernism are critically analyzed in order to derive their implications on educational practice. Basic framework for the construction of an ecopedagogy is also presented with an analysis of its potential contributions to the ecological turn of educational paradigm. Finally, recommendations are proposed to improve today's ecological education.
Through historical approach and philosophical analysis this paper attempts to explicate the doctrines of ecocentrism with a view to constructing an ecopedagogy in response to contemporary ecological crisis. First of all, the main doctrines of ecocentrism including deep ecology, spiritual ecology and constructive postmodernism are critically analyzed in order to derive their implications on educational practice. Basic framework for the construction of an ecopedagogy is also presented with an analysis of its potential contributions to the ecological turn of educational paradigm. Finally, recommendations are proposed to improve today's ecological education.